Fired for Freedom: Doctors, nurses, and attorneys expose civil rights abuses - Live Stream 12 Noon EST Dec. 7

Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 6 months ago to Politics
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"On this 80th anniversary of the surprise attack on freedom at Pearl Harbor that launched America into World War II to preserve life and liberty against evil, join this powerful press conference to hear from courageous doctors and nurses who were “Fired For Freedom” doing the right thing to protect patients.

In 1941, Pearl Harbor galvanized a nation to unite against evil, defend freedom with the American spirit and resolve to defeat the enemy against overwhelming odds. In 2020, America faced a surprise attack of an invisible virus that divided our nation, kept Americans in fear, assaulted our liberty, and blocked people from accessing truthful medical information and effective early treatment, as well as imposing the tyranny of mandatory experimental COVID shots.

Fired For Freedom will be livestreamed at 12 NOON ET on Tuesday, December 7 by LifeSiteNews, alongside multiple other livestream platforms. To participate and join the press conference, please save this link OR email info@TruthForHealth.org.

Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD, President and CEO of the Truth for Health Foundation, moderates this press conference which features speakers willing to share their stories and expose the outright manipulation, intimidation, and cover-up of deaths in hospitals and medical facilities across America. LifeSite co-founder John-Henry Westen and Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano present a crucial Biblical perspective on our God-given right to bodily integrity.

Speakers are fearless nurses and doctors, including world-renown Dr. Paul Marik, co-founder of Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance, US Attorneys Tom Renz, Todd Callender, Lauren Martel, and Australia’s Charles Kovess to present the efforts being made every day to bring help and hope to people who have lost loved ones due to treatments denied, or have seen family and friends injured or dead following experimental vaccines and drugs like remdesivir."
SOURCE URL: https://www.lifesitenews.com/conference-stop-the-shot/fired-for-freedom-civil-rights-abuses/

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