Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Sales Soared in Wuhan Before 1st Official COVID-19 Cases Publicized

Posted by $ jbrenner 2 years, 9 months ago to Technology
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Most polymerase chain reaction (PCR) devices are $50 K and up. A new company that uses "open source" (i.e. not patent-protected) technology named ChaiBio came out with a new PCR device for $5 K (chaibio.com). Without the spectrometer and the laser, Urs Gaudenz developed the thermocycling, the centrifugation, and an Arduino-compatible interface called a PocketPCR for 99 euros (https://gaudi.ch/PocketPCR/#:~:text=a.... At that price, I bought three of them, and have my students developing PCR-based tests for detecting cytokines (biochemical concentration biomarkers) and for a skin cancer test in my Basics of Making class (a class for future Galts at https://fit.instructure.com/courses/5....
SOURCE URL: https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_breakingnews/pcr-sales-soared-in-wuhan-before-first-official-covid-19-cases-publicised-report_4032361.html?mktids=5f47855f16ed9377930cdf21432afba0&est=FOXm%2FGMlCuABt2T8cxi1iEwVvM4mFhgmb6o24GmE7XmCjQ6LMuoHeAJgbFo%3D

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  • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 9 months ago
    Thanks for the tip. Chai Bio is currently private best I could tell. Is there an IPO in the future?
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    • Posted by $ 2 years, 9 months ago
      Chai Bio is private. What they are protecting is the combination of all the aspects of their technology into a larger whole, under the presumption that someone trying to "copy" their "open source" technology won't have the financial and/or human resources to be able to compete. I think this is a more reasonable business model than I used to think. Perhaps this is anathema to say in the Gulch?

      I don't know about ChaiBio's financials. That is out of my area.
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