The Unholy Alliance of Government, Mass Media, Social Media, and Big Pharma Have Ramped Up the Fear to Force Vaccinations on Rational People, and Force Vaccine Passports to Destroy Those Who Resist

Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 9 months ago to Politics
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"With the Indian case collapse, the purveyors of fear needed to give the Indian variant a new scary name – Delta Variant. So India, with a 10% vaccination rate has seen a complete collapse in cases. Meanwhile, the UK and Israel, with some of the highest vaccination rates in the world, 64% and 60% respectively, have seen huge surges in Delta cases. It’s almost as if the vaccines have created the Delta surge. You might even conclude the vaccines are a complete and utter failure, with significant numbers of adverse reactions, 5 months of limited efficacy, and unknown long-term health effects.

The U.S. “surge” began shortly after July 4th, with the MSM building the Delta fear narrative day after day. Biden, Fauci, Walensky and the rest of the Big Pharma whores did their daily duty of feeding bullshit to the sheep. They bribed corporations, universities and left wing governors to mandate the jab, since they couldn’t mandate it Federally.


A critically thinking individual might look at the data and conclude these vaccines are enhancing the virus and creating the variants. They might also conclude the Delta variant is far less lethal than the original virus. They might also conclude the unholy alliance between the government, mass media, social media, and Big Pharma have ramped up the fear in order to force vaccinations into the veins of vaxx resisters, instilling vaccine passports, and attempting to install a digital surveillance system to track those who resist and destroy their lives.

A critical thinking person might wonder why such coercive measures are being used to inject an experimental gene therapy into our bodies for a relatively non-lethal virus with a 99.7% survival rate. Especially, when it is now beyond a doubt the jab doesn’t keep you from contracting the virus, spreading the virus, or dying from the virus. At best, it is a therapy that may reduce the symptoms for some people. At worst, ADE (antibody-dependent enhancement) will begin to rear its ugly head in the Fall.

The current all hands on deck campaign to discredit ivermectin is a sign of desperation, as they have only been able to coerce and scare just over 50% of the population to have this Big Pharma concoction injected into their bodies. With cases peaking at 155,000 per day, the desperation of Fauci and his acolytes is visible for all to see."

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 9 months ago
    Hey FFA, I read several articles that stated the virus isn't being spread by unvaxed folks...but it is highly contagious by vaxed folks. Something about shedding something. Did you hear this?
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    • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 9 months ago
      Here's is reasonable conjecture....a cautionary approach.

      “And so, we know that the natural disease of SARS CoV2, because of the effects of the spike protein, is making people sick with all of these kinds of systemic illnesses. And so now we’re taking that spike protein genetic instructions, and we’re asking our bodies to make more of that spike protein. And so by making more of that spike protein, we are essentially creating the symptoms and the illness of COVID-19 by giving people the potential to have brain damage and neurological damage, lung disease, liver disease, kidney disease, heart attacks, strokes, blood clotting issues, and impairments to male and female reproductive systems.

      “And there’s no study to show whether when the body starts manufacturing the synthetic spike protein – whether or not we ever turn off the production of that spike protein.

      “And so that spike protein is known to be pretty damaging to the human tissue. And so, we know that spike protein has been found in saliva, we know that it’s been found in the anus, and we have to ask the question: Is it found in the exhalation molecules that come out of our breath? Is it found in the skin when we sweat and we smell the spike proteins come out? And if so, does that impact other people with whom we come in contact?
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  • Posted by mhubb 2 years, 9 months ago
    WHY the push for this??

    the world survived all the other similar issues, like SARS

    so why this fraud vaccine??

    what is going on and who plans to benefit?
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    • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 9 months ago
      Best guess is historic global feudalist families. Look into the histories of Loeb, Rothschild, Warburg, Rockefeller, DelBanco. This begins a path of intermarriages and business mergers going back over 500 years.

      When so much wealth is attained, what is left? Only the entertainment of disfiguring and disparaging others. This is the lesson of the "Immortal Robot" that Rand described in The Objectivist's Ethics. These pseudo-immortals have a valueless existence, metaphysically, because normal mortal vales basis is avoided by the insulation of the accrued wealth and power. The Comprachicos are like chameleons.
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