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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 3 years ago
    I did not read the article on zerohedge yet. Still, I cant help ask what crime they commited? What was the legitimate cause to stop their vehicle and search it. Why were they asked to surrender their arms? Unless they did something illegal, gun ownership, even a truck load with 100k rounds is not a crime. And without just cause you need not surrender your arms to any person just because they say so.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 3 years ago
      I don't know what unconstitutional laws prevail in MA, but based on the online articles I do not see any federal crimes.
      Could they have been testing law enforcement to gather intelligence?
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      • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 3 years ago
        It is not a crime to publicly film. From what I read, which isn't much, they were gathered on the side of the road geared up and weaponized. Even so, gathering is no crime, wearing combat gear is no crime, and owning firearms is no crime. The crime come from DOING.
        I would not surrender my arms simply because I was being told to, badge or not. Why should they when they were doing nothing more than gathering (posturing) in public?
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 3 years ago
    So, is exercising your 2nd and 4th amendment rights a felony or, a misdemeanor, now?
    This is literally all the proof we need. And why there’s a small part of me that agrees with defunding the police. Who generally escalate things needlessly. Because “Authoritah”. Case in point.
    Happy 4th of July!
    Do the things.
    And yes, it is perfectly legal to film ANYTHING if you are standing somewhere that you are legally “allowed” to be. Fordyce vs California I think settled that once and for all.
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    • Posted by 3 years ago
      let me understand
      you are claiming a Right to be from another country, say US Law does not apply to you, and walk around on an interstate highway, with weapons??
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      • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 3 years ago
        Well they still meet the definition of US citizens. And according to law have committed no crimes.
        But, really the whole point is moot. They aren’t the most hated demographic. And, now that the MSM has realized this, the story will be dropped quicker than a hot potato. Because, systemic racism.
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        • Posted by 3 years ago
          no sale skippy

          no sale
          they are from Morocco
          they are muslim invaders
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          • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 3 years ago
            So, then our borders are that porous is what you’re saying. Which they probably are.
            However, saying you’re from Morocco and actually being from Morocco are two different things.
            If they truly are Moroccan Nationals....deportation. Immediately. But, something tells me it’s a bunch of bunk. Made to seem EXOTIC. At any rate....IF they are Americans, they have Constitutional Rights. I suspect we’ll find out the truth in the next week.
            Or, maybe not. Because, the MSM is all like “They aren’t white!?!?l Shut it down.” We probably will never know for certain.
            MSM has an agenda. And, reporting the truth, ain’t it.
            PS- How did you know Skippy is my favorite peanut butter? And you’re right. It isn’t on sale.;)
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  • Posted by evlwhtguy 3 years ago
    It is interesting they provided no descriptions or photos of these individuals. We all know why...because they did not fit the evil white guy narrative. Now I have seen these guys....they are a little weird....but the response is typical nanny state overreach. None of them have committed any crimes to my knowledge or according to the report. The fact that the police report than as armed and dangerous....that description could easily be applied to the police officers there. The nanny state just doesn't like people being as heavily armed as they are.
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  • Posted by STEVEDUNN46 3 years ago
    Hard to know the truth. But my question after reading the article on zerohedge is,What is the difference between armed men (like myself) and "armed to the teeth"?
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years ago
    Regularly around here we'll have police standoffs that go overnight or so, where somebody refuses to leave their home. They get swat teamed and eventually the standoff ends. The news is thrilled to report it all except one fact...what the person did wrong in the first place. The only occasional mention is that the person "had guns".
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  • Posted by starbird56 3 years ago
    Whoever they are, and whatever their agenda is, they are apparently not very bright. They came to the attention of the officer because he saw them on the side of the road, having to fill their gas tank, and he stopped to render aid. Otherwise, they would not have had this encounter in the first place. Lesson learned: check your gas gauge.
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