Madness, Sheer Madness~~Got TP?

Posted by $ allosaur 3 years ago to Government
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Humongous crowds showed up at Trump campaign rallies. What showed up for Biden (when he wasn't being hid by his handlers) resembled small schools of minnows in comparison.
Trump's election tally was a historic record-breaking 74,111,419. Yet we are supposed to believe that stumbling mumbling Quid Pro Quo Joe, who wanted to open our borders and take away our guns, was so wildly fantastically freaking popular that he could "honestly" beat that with a bigger record-breaker of 81,009,469 votes while ongoing voting shenanigans were being completely ignored by Fake News. Oh, and if you don;'t believe that you're a racist.
Last week the ever popular (rechristened by me for his Marxist handlers) Puppet President O'Biden held a CNN town hall that was a complete flop due to his senile performance, TV ratings that indicated next to nobody cared to watch and a puny audience comparable to to the next to nobodies who showed up at his campaign "rallies."
At the end of last week O'Biden returned to the White House and approached reporters who awaited.
The first words out of our distinguished POTUS's mouth were, "My butt's been wiped."
I watched how his mouth and lips moved repeatedly. Try that for yourself. I'm sure you'll agree that's what he said all right.
How presidential. Well, he did have both his feet on the ground. Sorta.
Asked a question, the next thing Slow Joe said before ambling away is "There needs to be a pathway to citizenship whether it needs to be in immigration remains to be seen."
Yeah, whatever.
Me dino "picked "Government" out of the board's multiple choice selection because of what it has degenerated into.
SOURCE URL: https://welovetrump.com/2021/07/25/what-did-biden-just-say-do-you-hear-my-butts-been-wiped/

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years ago
    A dear friend called me today (he doesn't get out much) and asked me what was wrong with Biden. I thought about it for a minute and finally said, 'His brain isn't getting enough oxygen!' He started laughing and said, "I knew you would know since you worked as a lobbyist all those years.'
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    • Posted by $ 3 years ago
      You've nailed what happens to your brain when you wear a mask too much. What makes that really bad is when you've always been a daft dolt in the first place.
      I recall talking to a lib shortly after on TV I watched the future puppet O'Biden stroll out on a stage as newly elected King Barry's vice-president.
      I said something akin to "that Joe Biden talks like a fool."
      The lib proclaimed with a huff that "Joe Biden is respected in Congress."
      To that me dino said, "Fools respect fools."
      That lib did not care to talk to me any after that. Was no loss for me either.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 3 years ago
        I love most every thing you write except O’Biden.
        I know what you are getting at but There is no apostrophe in Obama.
        And Quid pro Joe used to be your favorite . BuyDem works pretty good also.. just saying.lol
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        • Posted by $ 3 years ago
          Me dino came up with O'Biden since I sincerely believe the Anointed O aka Mr. Fundamental Change to be one of Beijing Joe's puppeteers along with The Squad, BETTER SAY DOCTOR! Jill, Putin and whoever else there is who pollutes The Swamp.
          Did use "Quid Pro Quo Joe" someplace today. Wherever.
          Me dino memory be getting old like Sleepy Joe's but at least can still write and say complete sentences at least when I feel like it. And without stuttering.
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          • Posted by Dobrien 3 years ago
            Lol But Dino , typing Obiden is faster than O’Biden.
            In all likelihood a distant relative of sleepy joe Quid pro Joe Easy to BuyDem’s probably dropped the O’ when coming to America.
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            • Posted by $ 3 years ago
              Last night I left out Susan Rice as a puppeteer. This morning I recalled reading somewhere she may be the puppeteer with the most influence.
              Even so, bet all the others I named each has a string to pull on Janked Joe Obooboobrains.
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  • Posted by term2 3 years ago
    Biden is crooked as the day is long. Maybe his dementia is god's way to keep him from causing unlimited trouble in the world. When the time is right, and probably just after the mid term elections, he will be "encouraged" to just retire and be with his family to enjoy his last years, and kamala will take over for the remaining two years. After that, kamala will sink into the sunset, and during the two years of her presidency, nothing will be accomplished and there will be total gridlock- which is a good thing actually.
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    • Posted by $ 3 years ago
      Me dino recalls the late great Rush Limbaugh saying he liked total gridlock.
      Do believe that was when Slick Willie and King Barry were in office.
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      • Posted by term2 3 years ago
        So a thief comes to your door and wants to negotiate with you for what he can steal. If he has the gun and you dont (Option A), he gets it all. If you have the gun and he doesnt (option B), he runs away, and you keep all your stuff. If both have guns (option C), its gridlock and he doesnt go away, but he doesnt get any of your stuff either. Option A is the best, but in a statist democracy under mob rule, Option C is usually the best that can be hoped for.
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