Leftist Governments Dare Not Rescind Lockdowns

Posted by $ brightwriter 3 years, 3 months ago to Government
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This long but excellent article highlights Ron DeSantis, Florida Governor (I live there), and his explanation that, among other things, leftists who have favored major restrictions due to the alleged pandemic dare not cooperate with genuinely valid recommendations because if they do, they will be exposed as power-mad fraudsters. I have long suspected such a motive.
SOURCE URL: https://m.theepochtimes.com/desantis-lockdowns-were-a-huge-mistake_3777926.html

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  • Posted by Lucky 3 years, 3 months ago
    Good stuff from Florida!

    dare not cooperate with genuinely valid recommendations
    The real experts have put out The Great Barrington Declaration- yes the state has a role but it is help for the medically weak not persecuting the healthy. Not a strict Objectivist position maybe but there is experience and good thinking behind it.
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