WHO decides they aren't going to place blame for COVID even if they find its source...

Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 3 months ago to News
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What should one suspect when China paid to get its shill appointed as the WHO head?

If Trump were still President I would call on him to invoke the Infectious Diseases Treaty to which China was a signatory and call for the economic trade sanctions against China for its deception involving the virus. They don't have to prove the Chinese invented it - only that they failed to take adequate precautions or warn the world in a timely manner about the virus.
SOURCE URL: https://www.dailysignal.com/2020/12/28/world-health-organization-pledges-not-to-find-guilty-party-in-probe-of-covid-19-in-china/?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTjJabE9EUmhNak5rT1RBeCIsInQiOiJRMzhpTjVwTTJtQlp3QnFNV04wZWdoYTNhMWdhd2hONUM4NnZYbkQ1Qnpjb09MRk8rUXdtOFl0TklKc3FOVU5wMUY1QVNJMkVTRnlRQXQxeFdETkF3RFJ4TVVIRVVOb3ZzMnJvb0lLN0NuRmtDeVFHaWlDaUYrN2FQTm9ZUnVZbSJ9

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