How Was Freedom Stolen?

Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 5 months ago to Politics
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"President – Select, Trojan dementia patient, Joe Biden, has been attempting to utter the words his handlers put on his teleprompter on the rare occasions when they let him out of the basement. “Time to Heal” has been the slogan his PR flunkies have told him to yammer about regarding their fake plan to reunite the country after surviving four years of bad orange man. The propaganda machine media gush with praise for all Biden’s Deep State apparatchik cabinet selections as Biden’s handlers attempt to engineer a 3rd Obama term.

Joe Biden woos Jains in USA, shares wishes on Paryushan and Das Lakshan

Biden is the clueless “nice guy” dupe who mouths words of reconciliation, unity and healing, while his fabricating financier fascist controllers implement their Great Reset plan in conjunction with their global elite co-conspirators. CNN conducts an “interview” with 3rd grade level questions, designed to comfort the ignorant masses.

Not one challenging question about his bagman Hunter or how he got 80 million votes without campaigning, putting forth his agenda or leaving his basement. CNN and the rest of the propaganda corporate media are just a division of the Democrat party, along with Facebook, Twitter, Google, Soros, Bloomberg, CIA, FBI, and the rest of the Deep State empire.

Our descent into darkness is being built upon the lies of our government, lies of medical experts, lies of the media and journalists paid to perpetuate falsehoods, and a globalist manufactured hysteria over a flu – designed to initiate the Great Reset. The majority of Americans are fearfully following the dictatorial mandates of their authoritarian governors and mayors to lockdown harder and mask more because “science”, even though the current “surge” in cases is happening in states, counties, and cities that have been locked down and masked for months. The lack of independent thought being exhibited by the average American is a sickening display of willful ignorance.

Anyone with an ounce of critical thinking skills can see masks do not stop this virus, but they are a fantastic control mechanism for our masters. They would also realize the casedemic is being driven by a PCR test set at a level to exaggerate positivity, whether you feel sick or not. They would comprehend only 6% of reported Covid deaths are actually from Covid and not one of their three other severe maladies. They would realize over 40% of all deaths have been in nursing homes due to governor negligence and the average age of Covid death of 82 is higher than the average age of death. The mathematical ignorance of the masses has allowed the authoritarians to keep them cowering and unable to comprehend the truth about this scamdemic.

KUSI News - COVID-19 survival for different age groups,... | Facebook

The lies and falsehoods leading up to, during and in the month since the presidential election have been ratcheted up to a level not thought possible a few years ago. But the ravenous desire of the Deep State to rid themselves of Trump forced them to unwittingly reveal their traitorous schemes as they were forced to take drastic desperate measures in the swing states during the early morning hours of November 4 to steal the election from Donald Trump.

With the unequivocal blind allegiance of their media mouthpieces in the corporate media, the massive fraud which took place in multiple states has been covered up and buried by the Biden cheerleader squad at CNN, MSNBC, NYT, Washington Post, and now Fox.

Of course, the real citizen journalists in the alternate media have been investigating, questioning and uncovering the coordinated election fraud in key swing state cities where Soros selected Attorneys Generals, Secretaries of States, and District Attorneys have conspired with Democrat governors, corporate media outlets, and social media billionaires to steal this election for a basement dwelling dementia patient.

When you grasp the implications of a conspiracy of Silicon Valley billionaires, left wing media outlets, Soros, Bloomberg, Wall Street, shadowy dark money contributors, the leadership of the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and the Democrat party to rig and steal a presidential election you realize our country has been captured by a treacherous band of evil quislings.

Jared Yates Sexton on Twitter: "In this reality, Trump is facing one coup attempt after another. The building threat means that literally anyone who questions him, be it politicians, government officials, the

This was not an accidental convergence of happenstances leading to the election of the dynamic inspirational leader of the Democrat party. This was a coordinated conspiracy to override the legitimate votes of Americans by a cadre of diabolical deviant globalists attempting to implement their communist Great Reset upon an unsuspecting populace cowering in fear from a purposely over-hyped flu.

They didn’t need their senile Manchurian candidate to leave his basement because they had rigged voting machines, implemented a mail in fraud scheme, censored derogatory info about their candidate’s corruption, funneled a billion dollars into promoting their gaffe robot, and their social media legions used algorithms to skew searches and put their thumb on the scale to benefit their president select."

Read the rest at:
SOURCE URL: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2020/12/13/time-to-heel-2/

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  • Posted by term2 3 years, 5 months ago
    Frankly I dont know what I can do to stop this madness except to personally ignore the mandates and force the powers that be to enforce every single mandate (which would be impossible for them). Its very discouraging, and makes me feel like abandoning USA and letting it fall to the eventual Atlas Shrugged scenario.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 5 months ago
    Yeah, it's going to be a wild ride.

    I finally sold a massive portion of my stocks today, letting a colleague know, "The Biden market has arrived."
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  • Posted by Ben_C 3 years, 5 months ago
    Its all about connecting the dots. Amazing how some predict the dots before they become evident.
    “Whether in actual fact the policy of the boot-on-the-face can go on indefinitely seems doubtful. My own belief is that the ruling oligarchy will find less arduous and wasteful ways of governing and of satisfying its lust for power, and these ways will resemble those which I described in Brave New World. Within the next generation I believe that the world’s rulers will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience.” – Letter from Aldous Huxley to George Orwell – 1949
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 5 months ago
      Wow. Thanks for sharing that. Rings true somewhat. Then again...I can't help but laugh out loud when I see that the head of logistics for the vaccine rollout now is an Army (general?) in fatigues talking about how we need to get the shot "in every arm". Come on...that's funny...
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  • Posted by lkparkerjr 3 years, 5 months ago
    This is all well and not so good. It is done.

    Is it time to through the tea overboard? The Deep State/DNC/Media/Academics are our King George.

    What are we going to do about it?

    Complaining fixes nothing.

    Are we going to be the next Great Generation? Do we have the stones to give everything and take a chance to lose it all as did our Forefathers?
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    • Posted by term2 3 years, 5 months ago
      We can try to starve the system by cutting back on all unnecessary expenses, and therefore taxes.
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      • Posted by $ CBJ 3 years, 5 months ago
        Won't work as long as they can print new money at will. Minimizing taxes is great for many reasons, but not at the sacrifice of personally important things in one's life, since doing so won't "starve the system".
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        • Posted by term2 3 years, 5 months ago
          If all of us reduced expenses by 10%, and therefore the GDP by 10%, it would definitely starve the system. True, they would print more money, but that only goes so far until hyperinflation looms. In the end, 10% is easily within the category of unnecessary expenses for anyone to eliminate. Businesses too.
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          • Posted by $ CBJ 3 years, 5 months ago
            If all of us followed Objectivist principles, this would be a free country. In the real world, the “all of us” argument never works. Even if everyone else cuts their expenses by 10%, the half of the country that voted for Biden will continue to waste money, both theirs and the taxpayers’, so the consequences will be the same. If the responsible people cut their expenses for political reasons, the money they save will be inflated away rather than taxed away. It’s not to say that we should give up or quit fighting for our values, it’s just that cutting personal expenses (and reducing personal happiness) is not an effective way to accomplish the changes we wish to see.
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            • Posted by term2 3 years, 5 months ago
              Perhaps thats why AR wrote her documentary the way she did, indicating that the only ways to change the country is to withdraw the support of the producers, and use violence to sink the ships of the collectivists. Changing hearts and minds of mindless people who have the power of a strong government is a useless endeavor. We have to weaken the government that empowers mindless people and cause the system to collapse before those people will entertain a change in thinking. Right now, they get goodies that are produced and forcibly taken from the producers and given to them.
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      • Posted by $ pixelate 3 years, 5 months ago
        Starving the system from a different angle -- instead of cutting expenses (and what is 'purchased into the system') -- cut production. This is what the protagonists in Atlas Shrugged did.

        In a congressional hearing / testimony / conference regarding Social Security, Greenspan once said something along the lines of -- "The government will never have a problem in meeting its fiscal obligations to its seniors. We will always be able to cut the checks. The real question -- what will be the purchasing power of those checks? Will there be anything to purchase?"

        The tough part about cutting production -- it is difficult to actually "see" that which cannot be seen. For me, my version of cutting production would be to curtail further development on some of my raw land that I am in the process of slowly selling off to real estate developers. And so, the empty wind-blown acreage out there just sits. Of course I am still burdened with the property taxes (which went up 40% last year due to a loophole "for the children" [government schools]).

        This whole shabby economy (US and the World in general) is a house of cards. I have been thinking about a move to somewhere near The Four Corners and be as "off grid" as humanly possible. Create my own mini-Gulch.
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        • Posted by term2 3 years, 5 months ago
          Interesting ideas. I will think on them. You might keep the land, as selling it will just allow developers to "develop" it. Keep it until the collapse and then YOU can develop it.

          At least the money you get wont depreciate through inflation.

          I like the idea of reducing production. I am an inventor, and I think I will stop the inventing process just short of actually producing the items. Its still challenging to invent, so I get my kicks, but I dont make money for the collectivists.

          I think I will still trim expenses, since we all spend more than we really need to by at least 10% without any reduction in living standards
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          • Posted by $ pixelate 3 years, 5 months ago
            Since I recently retired after 30 years of software development, my outflows have dropped considerably. Big ticket items are not on the budget. This used to include guided mountain treks, travel, high-end gear. I am pretty much set with the physical equipment that I have now and keep travel and trekking local (within 1000 miles by car).

            As for the land -- yes, I am holding the rest. I live in Eastern Washington. I understand that lots of folks in the bigger cities are going to be seeking to escape with their "work from home in a no-riot zone" mentality. The acreage out here can offer a solution for these folks, if the price is right. I have been pricing land in North Central Wisconsin -- you can still get decent acreage for hunting, hiking, building for around $1000/acre. My recent search of Wyoming shows much higher prices.

            All the best to you on your continued invention endeavors. I do hope that you have the opportunity to share your work with other inventors and creative folks.
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    • Posted by SaltyDog54 3 years, 5 months ago
      For one thing, move your assets into alternative currencies that are not dollar denominated.
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      • Posted by term2 3 years, 5 months ago
        unfortunately, the possible places to move assets will be blocked by our government. They will confiscate gold and silver, forbid withdrawals from banks, use government controlled digital currencies while eliminating cash, and forbidding US citizens from owning foreign currencies
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        • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
          If they come for gold, they will receive lead instead.
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          • Posted by term2 3 years, 5 months ago
            As I remember I "sold" all my gold. What they will do is declare that all holders of gold after a certain date are declared felons. That means if its ever discovered in your possession, you are subject to a felony conviction, and of course you could only ssell it on the black market and not through any reputable coin dealer.
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        • Posted by SaltyDog54 3 years, 5 months ago
          I started moving assets a few years ago, and as yet, we can still do so.
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          • Posted by term2 3 years, 5 months ago
            good for you actually. The retired class of folks here will wind up living on social security payments, since their retirement assets will be decimated by the reckless treatment of the dollar by our "government"
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            • Posted by SaltyDog54 3 years, 5 months ago
              A casual stroll through the grocery store shows that it’s already started. Last weekend I saw that a T-bone steak is $22. The train wreck is coming soon, and the parties blaming each other won’t help you and I.
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              • Posted by term2 3 years, 5 months ago
                I have a small business that they havent shut down yet. This week I received three notices from suppliers of price increases coming within a month. Inflation is definitely NOT 2%. I buy AA batteries from costco. The package used to contain 72 batteries. Now its 48 battereies for the same price.
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              • Posted by mccannon01 3 years, 5 months ago
                I've been noticing the same thing. Empty shelves in the grocery, pharmacy, and department stores - and I don't mean just toilet paper, either. I think right now people are quietly stocking up faster than the normal supply system can recover for certain goods, but it's a glimpse at things to come when the supply chain really falters. Hah, when the "Green New Deal" is enforced and diesel fuel is over $10 a gallon and no more fraking for natural gas to heat your house is allowed things are going to accelerate to the negative.

                Regarding the steak all beef is up. I figure that has something to do with the greenies taking over the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) and making cattle ranching much harder than it used to be.
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              • Posted by $ pixelate 3 years, 5 months ago
                So far, here in Eastern Washington, the shelves are still relatively well stocked. I have about a 12-16 month supply of dry pack and related goods plus water storage and filtration (similar to my Mormon friends). I am more concerned about my parents in Florida. I urge them to get more proactive while there is time. They have too much Must See Tee-Vee to enjoy. Frustrating.
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  • Posted by Lucky 3 years, 5 months ago
    Some comments, to hitch onto FFA's thread-

    It is not a case of selling out, most of us get nothing, the political class/establishment/deep state get more perks and wealth.

    Economies ruined:
    California- electricity supply getting unreliable, business closures.
    New York City- 9 out of 10 restaurants cannot pay rent are to close, owners are banning Governor Cuomo from their premises.
    Victoria Australia- government claiming they saved lives with world's most severe lockdown but economy bailed out by federal money.
    Germany- expected energy shortages, high prices demolish industry in what was the workshop of Europe.
    Canada- allows Chinese military to protect port they own.

    Yes, stolen is the right word.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 3 years, 5 months ago
    I have been reading Carl Sagan's Demon Haunted Earth and it seems that many of these New Green Deal idiots are the new demons. They are the pseudo-scientists of the next four years who are going to wreck the USA. They have no clue that they are going to cut off large swath of the population from access to fossil fuels to cook and heat there homes. Around my neighborhood there is a mix of electric and propane. How are we going to maintain a home without paint, weather seals, replacement windows and screens. Besides the prices soaring on these products many homes will fall into disrepair unless your uber-wealthy. They want to change the country alright by wiping out the middle-class and small businesses which has already started through the sham lockdowns due to the Covid virus. I have to do almost all the repair work on my own home. I have been purchasing tools and equipment then learning how to use them. Even replacing the rechargeable cells when the factory ones are no longer viable in my portable power tools. The only way at this point in time is being resourceful and maintaining ones health.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 3 years, 5 months ago
    I am on the same page regarding much of the commentary and analysis. So many of my neighbors are just frightened, weak, feckless sheep. As for me, I have been thinking really hard about my investments -- and how to preserve what I have saved. One thought -- perhaps we will see a dramatic goosing of the economy (think funny money) and the next year will see the Dow pushing up toward 40k while the "great vaccine cure" moves across the land -- the great reopening. Celebrations and all the rest. Remember, the media and lots of other large tents are all for Biden ... control the message and you control the sheep. Lots of folks getting the impression that their portfolios are doing very well -- but it's all a lot of hot air making the balloon under the house of cards even shakier (wacky analogy, I know). Contrarians investing in precious metals could see their holdings drop significantly. And yet it is a matter of market timing -- get in the market for the big boom of 2021 -- and sell off and get into PMs at the top?

    I have been looking at my rather conservative 401k plan / portfolio. I am about 3% higher today, than I was back in early February. Think about that -- after all the unbelievable nonsense (riots, CHAZ, systemic racism, etc) along with the Covid Scam / Crisis, the huge market drop in March, Lockdowns, millions more added to the welfare rolls, trillion dollar bailouts, the Great Election Scandal(s) ... and the Dow is where it was around 10 months ago. This is absurd. The financial markets highs are without merit, in my opinion. Where do we go from here? Huge market upswing or The Great Correction ... or a mega-dose of both? Anyone who bought in at the middle of March market lows would have made a killing in just about any sector. As for me, I continue to live debt-free with paid for real estate holdings, conservative portfolio and cash.
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