The Neighborhood Stands Between Us and Totalitarianism

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 3 years, 6 months ago to Culture
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"The neighborhood is making a comeback. Hold on to it while you can. It may be the last remaining thing standing between average and above average citizens like ourselves and the totalitarians who seek to enslave us."

Here in the Gulch, not quite a physical Neighborhood but certainly a Community can and has functioned the same way as our Neighborhood...although the distance between our houses is a bit longer but only physically. Our connection is just as strong and here in the Gulch I value each one of you, just as if you physically lived right next door.

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  • Posted by $ 3 years, 6 months ago
    Gather with your neighbors if you can and remember...through the best of times and the worst of times...The Gulch is our Neighborhood too.

    Come sit by the fire of ideas and truth next to one may be all we have.
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