Shall Texas secede from the Union? Can it?

Posted by Temlakos 3 years, 8 months ago to Government
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Rep. Kyle Biedermann (R-Fredericksburg, Texas) introduced his Texas Independence Referendum Act in the Texas Legislature on 25 January 2021. Its effect is to put this public question on the ballot on 2 November 2021: "Shall the Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives, and the Lieutenant Governor, appoint a select committee to bring about the secession of Texas from the United States by the most expeditious route possible?"

The "source link" I specified is the last installment of six articles I wrote on the subject, and has links to all the rest. However, I offer you the following links directly:







As part of this discussion, I welcome answers to this corollary question: Could an independent Republic of Texas become a Galt's Republic?

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  • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 8 months ago
    Independent Texans could finish the wall in that state. Me dino knows that for seeing a borderline landowner interviewed on Fox News I believe Saturday night.
    (Prime time in the evening is when I'll watch Fox News before the Murdocks get around to eliminating their biggest audience draws).
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 8 months ago
    Texas joined the Union as a Republic, not a state. There is some speculation that the right to secede was not given up. I don't really know even though my great grandfather was here in 1833 and Texas didn't join the Union until 1836.
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    • Posted by 3 years, 8 months ago
      Not exactly correct. Texas, after the Battle of San Jacinto, was an independent Republic--the "Lone Star Republic." The only reason the United States did not annex Texas right away was that the politics were not favorable. Those politics were all tied up with slavery and its likely expansion. (One person, listed as a slave, fell at the Alamo.)

      Sam Houston, the first and only President of Texas, lobbied hard for annexation. Had William Henry Harrison, elected in 1840, not come down with pneumonia during his inauguration, no telling how history would have played out. But John Tyler was President when Congress finally was working its way around to annexation. Annexation took place in December of 1945, during the Presidency of James K. Polk.

      Now here is the key: HR 46, the instrument of annexation, contains text that specifically gives the consent of the Congress for Texas to subdivide into five States, each sending its own two-member delegation to the Senate. That's the leverage that a Texit Committee might press. And if it were just a matter of President Biden, they might even get him to let Texas go.

      But Kamala Harris would be gnash-the-teeth furious at the suggestion. I would expect her to circulate an Amendment XXV "written declaration" through the Cabinet. And when President Biden contested the declaration, and Congress decided not to muster the two-thirds of both chambers needed to uphold Acting President Harris in this, Harris might have Biden assassinated--and have her accomplices "killed while resisting arrest."

      Result: war. Read through the links I gave in the description to see my "war game" of this situation, how it might resolve, and on what (and whom) that resolution would depend.
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