Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 9 months ago to Business
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In this case, I have to say that the California Supreme Court got it right. I refused to get a personal mobile phone while working for my last company unless they paid for it because I knew that I would effectively be footing the bills while they called me at all hours with no compensation. With my current employer, they provide me with a company-issued smart phone and calling/data plan.

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  • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 9 months ago
    We used to have a soft policy where if you used your phone for business we would reimburse the employee for business calls. Then someone tried to get reimbursed for their service plan, another tried to claim his "anytime minutes" were used for work, and as such we had to pay for his phone... Pure Uncontrollable Bedlam. So they tightened up, those who needed a cell or smart phone were issued one, and said no more on the BYOD. (IT also was having kittens with BYOD from the malware they kept importing to the servers...)

    Win win. Plus, productivity started going up as those who didn't need a cellphone or smartphone got them pulled.
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  • Posted by iroseland 9 years, 9 months ago
    I have my own smart-phone. I have had my current phone number for a really long time, I plan to still have the number after I move as it is mine. So, I generally avoid letting the employer take over my contracts and ownership of the number along with it. So, I am totally ok with BYOD on the phone thing.. I get to keep my phone and get my email. I have even considered the idea of going BYOD on my workstation. Most places these days give you a choice between a really junky notebook, or a pointless apple. What I need is as many cores as I can get, a load of ram and two large displays. I would gladly pay for my own tools, but again they would go with me.
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  • Posted by khalling 9 years, 9 months ago
    From the company's standpoint, they are now potentially liable for all kinds damages. There was no metric set for what constitutes "reasonable" reimbursement. In order to adjust for costs, it will invariably come from raises, starting salaries, reductions in other compensations or benefits. I'm of the two phone policy. One for business, one for personal.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 9 months ago
      So does that mean that businesses get to craft a plan to be added to their company policy manual? To me, this one doesn't seem like that big of a deal - just bring in a phone bill marking which ones were to business contacts and reimburse per minute, similar to what companies already do for employees who use personal vehicles for travel. It is going to mean a little extra load on the accountants, but they are already handling other reimbursements, so I see this as minimal - or that it will force companies to purchase phones for their employees to use for business purposes.

      Are there other liability issues you see growing out of this?
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      • Posted by khalling 9 years, 9 months ago
        most companies already provide phones for employees who do business with their phone. But for those who don't, this was a failure in planning. I think of it like this. You work in an office and they had a land line phone for you to use. Why did they think they could just skip all that with the introduction of smart phones?
        Honestly, I was confused by the article. I couldn't tell whether the trend was currently most companies require you to have your own devices they do not pay for or people kept two devices. one for business and one personal. Also, why should the companies who did have reimbursement policies which employees agreed to, be retro-actively penalized?
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        • Posted by $ 9 years, 9 months ago
          Okay. When you used the word liability, I thought you were going to bring in issues like "what happens if someone is talking business on their phone while driving and gets into an accident" or "what if someone is looking up child porn on a company phone" kinds of issues.

          I agree that businesses should provide the phone for business.
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