Why No Anger Towards China?

Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 6 months ago to Government
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I feel like I'm the only person who's angry at China. Lost my dad to COVID. Now my fishing partner has it. I have several friends who have really suffered from it. Reportedly, 14 million infections in the US. From what I've learned, many of those will be permanently disabled.

When I started studying up on this virus before it came here I ran across a couple white papers from over a decade ago from labs in Wuhan. In them they openly talked of modifying a coronavirus. Before the mayhem hit our shores I read those and thought to myself - man is his own worst enemy...who in their right mind would create such a thing? And...here we are.

How will China pay for this? Will any policies be changes due to it? Already...I can see Biden's election is bolstering their industrial interests for yet more "China hustle" (look that one up).

Are we really this stupid?....don't answer that...

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 6 months ago
    Just move aside babe! I was told many long years ago (in the '60's) that China was our enemy, not necessarily Russia but look out for China. Really $400 million to Dominion a month before our election.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 6 months ago
    Me dino is both angry at China and a fraudulent so-called "President Elect" who is also a traitor.

    China has poisoned the world with a biological attack that is clearly an act of war. Unfortunately, doing the righteous old-fashioned thing by declaring war and striking back will only create a nuclear holocaust.
    There is only one sane course of action. Have nothing to do with Communist China. Most especially withdraw our pharmaceutical industry which fools (more likely for being greedy snakes) have allowed the CCP to all but completely control.
    Of course, this won't happen if a certain Quid Pro Quo Joe traitor is allowed to enter the White house due to what is clearly a fraudulent election.
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    • Posted by $ BobCat 3 years, 6 months ago
      Not only should China be blamed, but how about all the financial support for the Wuhan Lab from Fauci's group and others. And let us not forget the WHO's complicity in the 'cover-up'. And last, but not least, there are those supporting the "New World Order'. It is a crime against humanity and there are numerous individuals, governments, and organizations involved.
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      • Posted by $ 3 years, 6 months ago
        I remember when I heard the WHO say not to worry - that this virus won't go person-to-person, won't go global. I got home from the office and liquidated a vast majority of my stock holding. I mentioned it here when I did it and the response still cracks me up (oh, don't worry). After selling I sat and waited...tick, tock...tick, tock... Then, a week later KABOOM! The market figured it out. I'm usually ahead of the market on a lot of things. On this...I was cutting it pretty close. But, I was already way up on this virus as part of my work.

        China is going to flourish under Biden. No...I chose those words very carefully.
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        • Posted by $ BobCat 3 years, 6 months ago
          Agree. Also, Biden and the Deep State are up to their ears in "debt" to China. Why do some people think that Communism is so great? Do they really and seriously think that under Communism that they will be atop of the Heap? Man's greed for power and $$ just encourages Evil.
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          • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 6 months ago
            American traitors in political leadership positions dream of holding godlike power as being among the Animal Farm oinker elite should they help topple the Republic.
            Some such weeded out aspirants may face a comeuppance such as being targeted by--ouch!--Kim Jong Un's anti-aircraft guns.
            Those down the ladder sheeple who actually want to live under Communist subjugation with next to no rights are deluded fools.
            We have border boundaries but there's no Berlin Wall with someone who really wants you to come over to the other side.
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