The Republic will not erase any name from its history

Posted by Lucky 3 years, 8 months ago to Government
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The Republic will not erase any name from its history.
Emmanuel Macron. President of France. June 22, 2020

" I will be clear.
The Republic will not erase any name from its history.

It will forget none of its art works.

It will not take down statues.


Without Republican order, there cannot be security or freedom.

We will not bend when it comes to tackling racism, anti-Semitism, and discrimination, and new strong decisions will be made to reinforce the egality of chances. But this noble fight is perverted when it turns into communitarianism, into a false rewriting of history. "


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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 8 months ago
    This crap better not come to my town. We have streets are named after Confederate Generals. "Johnson, Jackson, Hood, Lee, Beauregard'. I don't see us renaming them. Our chief of police is named Robert E. Lee!
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    • Posted by 3 years, 8 months ago
      From, The history of the English Speaking Peoples, Churchill, I changed my opinion on Lee- Robert E Lee is among the greatest generals. Not just, like Rommel, a good soldier on the losing side, but for military genius and especially character.
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