On The Laying of Hands (On the Heart of Economic Life)

Posted by mshupe 3 years, 9 months ago to Philosophy
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"The terror Morozov felt is the same terror Kira had felt in the Petrograd train station when she witnessed Morozov condemning a desperate old woman to Soviet police. Except there’s one big difference: Kira was selfish – she wanted to live as people were meant to live. Instead of pounding sand in a society of zeroes, Kira wanted to turn it into cement and glass, or maybe silicon wafers some day. Morozov’s looting evades reality because it produces nothing. No self-esteem is selflessness."
SOURCE URL: https://www.centerforindividualism.org/pursuit-of-happiness-and-the-virtue-of-selfishness-or-politics-of-pull-and-the-vices-of-selflessness/

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  • Posted by 3 years, 9 months ago
    “You know more about it than I do, more than millions of young fools do, that watch us from all over the world with worshiping eyes. We had fools who thought in their doomed hearts that we made it for all those downtrodden ones who suffer on this earth. But you and me, Comrade Morozov, we have a secret.”
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