Imagine All the People This Labor Day

Posted by mshupe 3 years, 10 months ago to Philosophy
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“We, toilers of Petrograd, greet our British class brothers! Welcome to the land of the Soviets where labor is free! The women of the state pledge their support to England’s proletariat in its struggle with Imperialists!”

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  • Posted by 3 years, 10 months ago
    If people think that they are abused by America, they are right! Independence and thinking for yourself ain't easy!
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    • Posted by $ Commander 3 years, 10 months ago
      Hey! yo!...can I have a double helping of that abuse please?
      And then, as a returnee to a small community I left 35 years ago, I offer my insights on the abuses of a large metro area. I speak gently of what I have seen of the incursions of a few against the many, of the misinformation passed for personal gains and a host of other transgressions against individuals in the collective of high density Urbania. Some look at me incredulously because they don't know my face through the decades. And I offer, "I cannot lie to you. If I did so I risk being rejected from this community and my ease of life would be sacrificed. For me to mislead you would be my undoing. All you need do is watch my doings and listen to the feedback of others in mutual connections to know if I am trustworthy.

      And within the five months since relocating I get smiles when I approach and open dialog.....because I took the time to share that I cared.

      I love flyover land
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  • Posted by Lucky 3 years, 10 months ago
    mshupe- I am really enjoying your centerforindividualism contributions.
    I have not read 'We the Living' yet but when I do I will have much improved understanding of the setting.

    I particularly liked 'The Only Country In The Western World That Is Willing To Sacrifice Our Children Out Of Our Own Fear.'
    A good description of what hysteria is doing to us. It is no consolation to say that the heading is too specific, The US is not alone is this madness.
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