Petition: Permitting over-the-counter (OTC) use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to protect against COVID-19 under an emergency Executive Order

Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 12 months ago to Science
37 comments | Share | Flag

Please Sign the Petition.
Governments should not be blocking Americans from access to this drug that has been proven safe for 65 years.
As for supposed side effects, one international study of over 1 million patients had only 16 patients who had negative side effects.
SOURCE URL: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/permitting-over-counter-otc-use-hydroxychloroquine-hcq-protect-against-covid-19-under-emergency-eo

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  • Posted by bobbyboynyc 3 years, 12 months ago
    In 1910 Johhn D. Rockefeller bought ALL the drug companies, and proceeded to get Congress to close fully HALF the American medical colleges - typically naturopathic and homeopathic medicine, plus there was a school of natural childbirth. Next Rocky gave huge grants to the remaining, allopathic (A.M.A.) schools, but appointed directors, who ordered ALL literature on nutrition and natural healing be destroyed! When he held his board meeting, he said: "We've got to find a way to turn all these healthy people into customers!" Now, can youunderstand why such a rich and free nation has become such a sick one?
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  • Posted by GaryL 3 years, 12 months ago
    OK, I signed this one but I am very leary about any such Petitions and even more leary about all these organizations claiming to be collecting for the DJT reelection.
    I have a steadfast rule I live by with donation collections. I return their email solicitations and if it comes back as "Undeliverable" they get squat from me. I absolutely refuse to donate a dime to the RNC because they support some great politicians and a lot of the RINOs I hate. I can't direct my donation to a particular candidate who may need my support. The DNC gets nothing from me or any of my immediate family members and we chase them off our properties, even the local officials the minute we learn they are on the "D" ticket.
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    • Posted by 3 years, 12 months ago
      I agree. You are rationally skeptical based on experience. I have only made one donation to a politician in my life when Ron Paul was running for POTUS. I don't even consider aiding political parties. All have consistently failed to follow through on promises and consistently enlarged government (and their own) power by stealing from individual liberty.
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      • Posted by GaryL 3 years, 12 months ago
        I have to agree with you on all but one point. PDJT sure has done his absolute best to keep every promise he campaigned on. Succeeded on most but he was paddling up stream with not much help from his own party let alone the left. At 68 I can honestly say he is the first who ever really tried.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 12 months ago
    Dang, that petition did not ask dino for a donation or a phone number. How refreshing!
    Asking for my email address is like asking a voter for a picture ID to keep the tally honest.
    To Fake News and the Jackass Party, there is really one thing deep down wrong with HCQ~~
    Their TDS and the Orange Man early on recommending the use for HCQ.
    Better for people to die than for Trump to be proven right about anything.
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  • Posted by lrshultis 3 years, 11 months ago
    The petition should be signed. It should be noted for those who would use HCQ that if one is on a QT extender for PVCs such as amiodarone, as I am to control my 40% premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) which was somewhat life threatening, one should ask ones electrocardiologist about using it due to HCQ extending QT.
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  • Posted by Katrina41 3 years, 12 months ago
    Signed it and the verification email arrived within seconds. Made a drink once. Gin , lemon juice, lime bitters, a dash of 7up. I called it a streetwalker because it was a "little tart".
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  • Posted by minesayn 3 years, 12 months ago
    As a pharmacist, I wouldn't sign this petition (and won't). Hydroxychloroquine (AKA Plaquenil) use can cause QT prolongation which can lead to arrhythmias and possibly death. Generally, this affects certain people with a particular enzyme deficiency, but would you really want to take that risk?..
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    • Posted by $ Commander 3 years, 12 months ago
      From your knowledge; can 400mg weekly over the course of 2 to 4 weeks create a high frequency of arrhythmia within the grouping you mention?
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      • Posted by lrshultis 3 years, 11 months ago
        It might if one is already taking a QT extender for arrhythmia. As far as I know, that would be the main reason to be careful other than be allergic to the drug.
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        • Posted by $ Commander 3 years, 11 months ago
          Thank you for the clarity on QT .....I can now look to the actuarials for probability risk.
          Regarding allergic reactions, we all have that probability to anything manufactured. When I think of the overwhelming numbers of respirable, ingestible and contact potential of all these things....I'd rather wade in a swamp.
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          • Posted by lrshultis 3 years, 11 months ago
            Sometimes allergic reactions take years to develop. I had been taking lisinopril for almost six years when I had some large swelling of my lips and was told to call 911. I did not but took diphenhydramine to reduce the swelling. Got chewed out by the doctor for treating it myself. Now on another drug which interferes with my BPH. Since I am 80, I guess a lot is hit or miss in treatments.
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      • Posted by minesayn 3 years, 11 months ago
        Yes! It can.
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        • Posted by $ Commander 3 years, 11 months ago
          This is a PDF of a 1959 study for injected Chloroquine.....as an anti-arrhythmial. It is a very interesting insight to ....change.

          From the other research I've been doing I am getting the sense that the greatest dangers lie in the use of multiple medications at the same time.
          "Drug-Drug Interactions
          Clinical cases of TdP are frequently related to polypharmacy and drug-drug interactions (Figure 4). These interactions may take a variety of forms in clinical practice. Among the most common of these are pharmacodynamic interactions in which multiple agents with HERG-blocking properties are inadvertently prescribed for a patient. A typical example of this type of interaction is a patient who has been taking a stable dose of a class III antiarrhythmic agent for atrial fibrillation and is then prescribed a quinolone antibiotic for an acute infection. In such a case, the physician who prescribed the antiarrhythmic drug (likely a cardiovascular specialist or electrophysiologist who is aware of the arrhythmic risk) may be unaware and uninvolved in the decision to prescribe the antibiotic, which might occur in a primary care or urgent care facility. "

          I understand your aversion as a pharmacist.
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    • Posted by Lucky 3 years, 11 months ago
      Your question- "would you really want to take that risk?" has two answers.

      1. Yes. Yes even if I did not know about my personal QT risk. I would balance that risk against the benefit of stopping a nasty infection.
      2. The more important issue is my right to take and balance personal risks and benefits.

      As to that specific issue, I have seen three papers where HCQ was used for C19, in one paper treatment was discontinued on a very small number of patients for that reason, in the other two no such effect was found. I think I have put links to these papers up here.

      I do ask for and get advice from pharmacists as well as medical practitioners. I want to be able to make personal decisions without being over-ruled by experts and public servants.

      That is what the petition seeks.
      That is why we are on Galts Gulch.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 12 months ago
    I love gin and tonic, with the right gin and good tonic. HCQ for the asking!
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    • Posted by 3 years, 12 months ago
      It is even easy to use legal grain alcohol (aka Everclear) and herbs to make your own custom "gin" at half the price of popular gin brands.
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      • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 12 months ago
        I use rum to make vanilla extract, and Everclear to make hand sanitizer. Seagrams gin is about as good as Hendricks and really cheap. Doesn't seem worth it to make my own. Cheap tonic water sucks out loud though.
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        • Posted by 3 years, 12 months ago
          I used to buy Bombay Sapphire. Now I make my own clone for about 1/3 the cost. I wish there was a economically priced tonic that uses sugar and doesn't use corn syrup.
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          • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 12 months ago
            My favorite tonic is Fever Tree, but it is stupid expensive. I use Schweppes mostly.

            You like the sharp tasting gins. I like the smooth ones, like Hendricks and Martin Millers.

            I put a dash of St Germain in mine. It really takes the edge off.

            How do you make yours? What is in it? Maybe I can make my own smooth one too, but like I said that Seagrams gin is smooth and cheap (probably terrible by real gin guys taste, but I like it).
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            • Posted by 3 years, 12 months ago
              I guess we have different definitions of smooth.
              To me, Bombay Sapphire is smooth and Seagrams is too sharp. (At least in a G & T.;^)
              My recipe is similar to this (no amount is exact):
              ~500ml 80 proof grain alcohol (Everclear alcohol reduced with RO water)
              ~2 TBL crushed juniper berries
              ~3 black peppercorns
              ~1-2 bay leaves
              ~1 sprig rosemary
              ~1/2 TBL dried lavender
              ~1/2 TBL dried lemongrass
              Combine all in a swing top bottle, seal the top and wait several days, shaking the bottle daily. Taste it and decide if it's good or if it needs another day.

              I have also seen some recipes that add:
              ~1/4 TSP ground allspice
              ~2-3 Cardamom pods
              ~1/4 TSP fennel seeds
              ~1 piece lemon peel
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  • Posted by zagros 3 years, 12 months ago
    I think all drug laws should be repealed, not just this one. If people want to take something and it causes them harm, that is on them. But I do not think it is wise to sign petitions just to open it up for one drug at a time, especially only under an Emergency Order that will eventually expire, because that is basically admitting that the government should have the power to do this and they should not.
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