As I was saying about "political Intelligence"

Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 10 months ago to News
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"The enormous success of Moderna shows how pharmaceutical companies, often with help from the government, can achieve fantastic results even without delivering a product to market."

"Moderna said it “worked cooperatively” with NIH on the content of its news release and expects NIH to make detailed data from the Phase 1 trial public at a later date. NIH confirmed that it reviewed the data in the news release and said it was accurate."

"Moderna had received preliminary data from NIH, which sponsored the Phase 1 trial, on May 14, Bancel said. The next day, Moncef Slaoui, a Moderna board member who had just left the company to go to the White House and assume leadership of President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed initiative to develop vaccines, expressed confidence in a Rose Garden news conference that a vaccine could be ready by the end of 2020. Slaoui said from the lectern that he had just seen positive data from a vaccine manufacturer. Slaoui did not identify the trial or manufacturer." (Slaoui at first admitted that he shouldn't profit from this arrangement. Then, he reversed course via a tweet and said there was no conflict of interest.)

There's just a few clips from the article for you. But, I suggest you read the entire piece. I'm kind of coming clean here. The profitability of the government/pharma complex is (mostly) based on public information. But, in it you have a government that has a monopoly of force and unlimited funding, an industry that the addled public holds in regard about as high as they do the Pope, and a complete removal of liability for the companies that produce a product that the government will spoon feed to the public (or force-feed in some cases). Then, you have the golden handshakes between government health agencies and the about Gerberding of Merck. She's probably the best example of government glad-handing these very profitable companies then getting very high-paying positions in them. She's also the one who played a major roll in directing William Thompson of the CDC to throw his findings that early MMR vaccination lead to more autism in the garbage. (That's also worth reading).

I was talking to a fellow engineer I work closely with. He also has a vaccinated child with autism. I said that buying this stock is like buying the stock of a company that makes a handgun with the barrel facing back at the guy pulling the trigger - yet the public begs for it. Even in this article you don't see that three people in the trials of this vaccine became very ill. Perhaps that will be in the data when released(?) I am favorably impressed with their technology. But we don't know what side effects will be. If it can be administered without all the adjutants and preservatives that's great. But, I doubt that's how it will go.

This is a story worth following, my friends...

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  • Posted by Lucky 3 years, 10 months ago
    There is no evidence that this one,not a vaccine but an anti-viral, has been successfully tested on thousands of people with a range of ages, thin and fat, and colors, over five years (or four, or two..).

    Whereas, for HCQ, and CQ, hundreds of millions of doses have been taken by millions of people since the 1950s, and since the 1500s for quinine, yet it is not safe enough for the regulatory agencies.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 3 years, 10 months ago
    It doesn't need to cross the blood/brain barrier either!
    I never had the flu, but One time, at my wife's pleading...I got one flu shot and almost died...(still wondering if she knew that in advance) just joken.

    Also...Politics and intelligence are opposites! Can't exist at the same time in the same space.
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