The Real Story Behind the Chinese Exclusion Act By Annie Holmquist

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 4 years ago to History
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I've always liked Annie's articles.

This is another part of History I never learned, I've heard about it but didn't know the whole story. I think it was around about that time America saw the label: Union Made?

Were You taught the whole story?

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  • Posted by $ 4 years ago
    We all know this but it's worth repeating.

    "The Nation’s Report Card shows that only 12 percent of high school seniors are proficient in U.S. history. If Americans actually dug into history, weighed the pros, cons, and the surrounding culture of the time in which a public figure acted or an event occurred, would we get a different picture and be less quick to condemn those that have gone before us and the decisions they made?"
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