"Woke" Censorship Is Tyranny

Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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"Beyond corporate monopolies, there is also the danger of ideological monopolies. Consider this – The vast majority of silicon valley companies that control the lion's share of social media platforms are run by extreme political leftists and globalists that are openly hostile to conservative and moderate values.

Case in point: Three of the largest platforms on the internet – Reddit, Twitch, and YouTube just acted simultaneously in a single day to shut down tens of thousands of forums, streamers and video channels, the majority of which espouse conservative arguments which the media refers to as “hate speech”.

To be sure, at least a few of the outlets shut down probably argue from a position of race superiority. However, I keep seeing the mainstream media making accusations that all the people being silenced right now deserve it due to “racism” and “calls for violence”, and I have yet to see them offer a single piece of evidence supporting any of these claims.

Where do I begin with this steaming pile of woke nonsense? First, it's impossible to be “dehumanized” by another person's opinion of you. If they are wrong, or an idiot, then their opinion carries no weight and should be ignored. Your value is not determined by their opinion. No one can be “silenced” by another person's viewpoint unless they allow themselves to be silenced. If they are right about you and are telling you something you don't want to hear, then that is your problem, not theirs. No one in this world is entitled to protection from other people's opinions. Period."
SOURCE URL: http://www.alt-market.com/index.php/articles/4264-the-purge-the-natural-progression-of-woke-censorship-is-tyranny

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