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  • Posted by sfdi1947 9 years, 9 months ago
    Twelve years as a Ranger, two RVN Tours, fifty-five years as a shooter and an autopsy tell me that Michael Brown died trying to get his big hands around Dwayne's neck, charging at the officer with lethal intent.
    If he had died on his knees with his hands up all six hits would have been in the 9 and 10 ring!
    He won't steal any more cigars!
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 9 months ago
    No one seems to have touched on the stupidity of riots. When I was a kid in Detroit I worked in a drug store at the lunch counter. The store was located on 12th Street. Down the street was Rev. Franklin's church (Aretha's dad). 12th became the hub of rioting few years later. Afterwards, what was left? The owner of the drug store told me he would never rebuild or locate in that area again. It was a vibrant street, with restaurants, jewelry stores. all kinds of shops. It turned into a wasteland and never returned to a formerly busy area. Who was hurt? The neighborhood had become primarily African-American. What they gained was a wasteland instead of a viable business district.
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    • Posted by RevJay4 9 years, 9 months ago
      Always seems to work that way, they destroy their own communities. As though they hate themselves and want to take it out on their environment. I am more and more convinced that most of the rioters were from outside the Ferguson area and just there for the loot. Nothing to do with "social justice", whatever that is. And, of course, our(I live in MO) dumbpoop Governor couldn't keep his mouth shut, or at least say something non-inflammatory. Its kinda normal for him and the rest of the lefty pols in this state to say stupid stuff. Like the prez, he needs to be gone. And, disbarred.
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  • Posted by $ root1657 9 years, 9 months ago
    I have a problem with some of the premise in the conversation here.... When he's asking why he didn't taze him, and commenting on cops shooting people... We have unanswered questions about what happened here, thats for sure, but one of the stories that is being reported is that the guy may have tried to take the cops gun, and that it may have gone off in the struggle. OR maybe he didn't.... it's all speculation, and the whole thing is being tried in the court of public opinion, which is the real problem here. As a thought experiment, lets say it was a justified shooting, it doesn't matter, the cop will be dead inside a year. On the flip, lets say it wasn't a justified shooting, doesn't matter, the cop will be dead inside a year.
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