Drug used to treat head lice can kill COVID-19 cells (in lab testing only)

Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 3 months ago to News
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A Monash University-led study has shown a single dose of the drug Ivermectin could stop the SARS-CoV-2 virus growing in cell culture.

'We found that even a single dose could essentially remove all viral RNA (effectively removed all genetic material of the virus) by 48 hours and that even at 24 hours there was a really significant reduction in it,' Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute's Dr Kylie Wagstaff said on Friday.
SOURCE URL: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8186287/Monash-University-scientists-anti-parasite-Ivermectin-kill-COVID-19-cells-two-days.html

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  • Posted by Dobrien 4 years, 3 months ago
    Hydroxychloroquine With a Zpack or Azythromycin. If the New Yellow Times hates it you have to wonder why.
    The New York Times
    Ignoring Expert Opinion, Trump Again Promotes Use of Hydroxychloroquine
    2 hours ago · Mr. Trump's recommendation of hydroxychloroquine, for the second day in a row at a White House briefing, was a striking example of his brazen willingness to distort and outright defy expert ..

    Well well ........They did not report this. Hmmmmm
    New York doctor says he has successfully treated coronavirus patients' symptoms using hydroxychloroquine sulfate, zinc, and azithromycin.
    Dr. Vladimir Zelenko is a registered family doctor in Monroe, New York, where he runs two clinics and has said he has successfully treated respiratory symptoms of 699 coronavirus patients using a cocktail of the drugs, including the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine, a derivative of chloroquine.
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  • Posted by BradA 4 years, 3 months ago
    This is also used to treat round worm in dogs, cats, cows, horses, etc.
    So if I need to take it the only downside if it doesn't work would be that my round worm problems would be cured.
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 4 years, 3 months ago
      Meanwhile, the anti-retroviral (HIV) drugs are in Phase 2 trials on COVID already.

      Hmm, I wonder why they would test an EXPENSIVE Patented drug over a generic whose total cost is $20 to the patient?

      That's SARCASM FWIW!
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  • Posted by Ben_C 4 years, 3 months ago
    Gave a dose to my dog April 1st for heartworm preventative. Ivermectin has been around for years. Not quite sure about its antiviral activity but then what does malaria have to do with viruses?
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  • Posted by Lucky 4 years, 3 months ago
    The words are- in cell culture, in-vitro, not in-vivo (in life).
    A single dose- I could not see what that is, perhaps one standard tablet?
    Vague but very promising. It has almost no side effects when studied for use on those lice.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 4 years, 3 months ago
    Here is the direction. Invest in your equities accordingly...big money will be made.

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    • Posted by 4 years, 3 months ago
      Gates goal is ... to “serve humanity,”
      Reminds me of a famous episode of The Twilight Zone titled "To Serve Man"

      Aliens arrive and provide fantastic advancements including conquering disease, and give human scientists a book written in the aliens language.
      The hidden agenda was in the book translation. It's title was "To Serve Man".
      Unfortunately, it was a cook book.

      If the way to make money is to betray my principles, I think I'll find a different way.
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      • Posted by $ Abaco 4 years, 3 months ago
        Yeah, a little tongue-in-cheek there.

        Gates also has said that the way to prevent over-population is through increased vaccination. I love that one... Nothing funnier than the truth...
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 4 years, 3 months ago
    Beware, I heard a TV report the other day on this drug,and immediaately recognized it as the chief ingredient in dog heartworm pills. I knew enough to know it can kill some Shelties, but some can take it safefly. What bothered me was an earlier report telling people to call their MDs and request a perscription for themselves, and if he refused, go to a feed store ane get the animal version and take it. Very bad idea, this is not stuff to be done by just anyone. The drug can actually cause blindness in humans and should be monitored even if prescribed by ab MD.
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