My Work in COVID-19

Posted by $ Abaco 4 years, 3 months ago to News
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Without getting into the details...my work has thrust me into the middle of this current pandemic. As some might know, I'm an engineer working in the medical industry. Much of my work has focused on epidemiology. I know there's a lot of confusing/conflicting info (or hype) out there on this illness. Just want to share that the thing about this that I find most troubling is how contagious this is. We haven't seen anything like it in our hemisphere in my lifetime. I've pressed on some at the CDC on what I have seen as conflicts in the official narrative. Early on I said I thought this was airborne. I'd, more specifically, now say it's the more airborne flu-like illness I've ever heard of. This makes it very dangerous. I have started to reduce my time in/near crowded areas because of this. Will share some info if I can if anybody has questions. I think my kids were already exposed but didn't get this bug about a month ago. Already gone half-Galt I'm keeping a low profile. But, some of my work may be in the news soon. I'd rather this thing just die off before that, though...

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