In what way do you relate to Ayn Rand's experiences

Posted by LarryHeart 5 years, 3 months ago to Philosophy
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I relate to her childhood experiences since they mirror my own experiences and actions exactly.

In this interview she says that she was the smartest in her class,
- that she did not have to make much of an effort to excel in school, All she had to do was read ahead once,
- that she was bored in class and wrote novels behind her textbook.

She found writing novels challenging and I assume worthy of her intellect and much harder than reading ahead in a text book.

Like her my childhood "Novel" was ahem ... not worth mentioning. Also I wrote in such small letters that even with glasses I can''t read my writings.from that time. lol .

She says the object of a Philosophy is to understand the nature of existence. Religion too is a philosophy.

I also have tried to point out here that Religion is a philosophy and as She says it is immoral to accept it on "faith" but if arrives at through reason there is nothing wrong about it or to discuss it.

All Comments

  • Posted by ewv 5 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    The moderator was not "baited" into responding by a "mob voice of many frivolous posts". He properly intervened in LarryHeart's own extended stream of personal attacks. Smears are not rational discussion. Rejecting it is not other's "difficulty to face their own flaws".

    That he claims little has been "on point" to what he calls "the the Headline original post" resulted from his own posts hijacking his own thread, beginning with introducing the thread by package-dealing religion with "relating to Ayn Rand's experiences" and religion with "arrived at through reason".

    That was on the heels of previous posts claiming "you are the one promoting your fantasy that religion is fantasy", and denouncing the Greek influence on western civilization as "Greek pagan culture is no more... Nothing survives into the present day except the Jews who received guidance from an interface with the underlying intelligence in which we exist" -- packaged with more gratuitously ugly personal accusations of "underlying bias", "hidden anti-semitism" and "warped thinking" by "religious haters like you in the Soviet Union".

    A stream of personal attacks combined with wrapping oneself in martyrdom is not an argument. Rejecting it is not anyone else's refusal to "face their own flaws, mistakes and misunderstandings", and "getting all defensive".

    The moderator telling him to cease the personal attacks and "take a breath" was to stop the abuse, not what LarryHeart calls, in the name of reason, "an excuse for the emotional pain" allegedly suffered from his claims to superiority..
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  • Posted by Maritimus 5 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Hello, ewv,

    Can you suggest where I can find a good description of what Aquinas did in re-introducing Aristotelianism, rationalizing religion and making genuine philosophical contributions.

    Let me explain, please. I am 83 years old retiree. Educated as a physical chemist. If I had a chance to do it again, it would be dual majors: again physical chemistry and philosophy. All my life I did what you would call development engineering. I became aware of Ayn Rand reading "We the Living" more than three decades ago. It was the best description, by far, of wat I lived through, ages 9 to 27.

    I have since read virtually everything that she wrote, and some of the others. I would like not to attempt to read a library on Aquinas, but a good thorough objective review.

    I guarantee that I will not suddenly become religious after reading what you recommend;-)

    Thank you in advance.

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  • -1
    Posted by 5 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    We have never met but we talked on the phone and you know me. I sent Sveta instead of me to be an extra. The name I asked for "The Society project" is on one of the bricks.

    Whatever you call that kickstarter title, associate or just ASS makes no difference. That is not the point. This was said in the context of one of your supposedly "Very Few" trying to shame me.
    You have not seen the context of the discussions. You have not read all of them in this thread to see what actually was occurring. You just jumped to a conclusion based on what I called the mob. Not a mob of people as it is only 2 or 3 that are doing this, but the mob voice of many frivolous posts that you listened to without finding out all the facts.

    And again you disparaged me while telling me not to. So I don't really understand her ideas eh?

    Scott, you can disparage me but I can't call out the reality that many of these discussions are just back and forth pissing contests and not rational discussion? See for yourself.

    The mob of negativity arrogantly look down their noses at who they deem to be an ignorant peasant and using that to demean and remove credibility instead of mustering a credible argument.

    So far only one or two actually understood what I was saying (which was not a defense of faith) and only one or two responded on point to the the Headline original post.

    The rest bait you into responding and hook you into giving them credence and attention. It is a waste of time/

    This is not my test as one of the mob thought he was doing . This is a test of Objectivists own ability to see objective reality and the bias of their own minds that filter it.
    Guess what. Objectivists are still human and find it difficult to face their own flaws, mistakes and misunderstandings. They get all defensive and rationality ends. It is not me who needs to take a breath. That is an excuse for the emotional pain of challenging their belief.
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  • Posted by sdesapio 5 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    RE: "And if you are Scott..."
    I am.

    RE: "... you should know me. Remember Sveta."
    Yes, I remember Sveta. You and I have never met.

    RE: "But you go along with the mob..."
    If by "mob" you mean the very few Objectivists that understand and espouse Ayn Rand's ideas here in the Gulch, then yes, I stand with them.

    RE: "... call me a liar"
    Contributing to the the ASP3 Kickstarter campaign did not make you an "Associate Producer" of the film. You calling yourself an "Associate Producer" doesn't make it so.

    RE: "The Gulch has rotted into mulch."
    Personally attacking other Gulch members, spamming the Gulch with nonsensical irrational "Ignoring you." comments, refusing to adhere to the few very simple rules in the Gulch Code of Conduct, and making disparaging remarks about the Gulch website are probably pretty good indications it's time for a break Larry.
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  • Posted by Lucky 5 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    The Lord gives Moses the Ten Guidelines

    Moses and you guys, just saying now I've been thinking about how you all should behave better, and give myself proper respect like. Well so I am asking for feedback on these guidelines.
    Maybe try them out. They look good made out of fine porcelain but if they are no good then just drop them.

    Hoping no one was upset by the thunder sounds but this chariot has been tuned lean, gotta keep the carbon pollution down.
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  • -2
    Posted by 5 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    And if you are Scott you should know me. Remember Sveta. But you go along with the mob, call me a liar and take up the pitchfork and torch?
    The Gulch has rotted into mulch. .
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  • Posted by ewv 5 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    If you think that highly of Atlas Shrugged you should explore the philosophy that made it and its sense of life possible. It is a philosophical novel, not just politics. Ayn Rand rejected religion because it is contrary to reason, not just a conflict with how she lived; it conflicted because of what it is. She was not "condemned to hell".
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  • Posted by ewv 5 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    You can extract a few common sense ideas, like telling the truth, but you have to take it out of the context of a list of authoritarian duties, and some of them are strictly religious injunctions and specifically anti-thought.

    Even with the best that can be reinterpreted, the whole approach of authoritarian duty to be accepted without understanding and without regard to context is destructive (see Ayn Rand's "Causality Versus Duty") and you don't get fundamental principles of rational egoism with life as the standard and your happiness as your goal, only -- at best -- a few isolated rules of thumb that do not begin to deal with the basic choices in life.

    Some are destructive over and above the duty mentality and the religious submissiveness to a god, such as telling you there are topics you must not even think, inculcating guilt if they even pop up into your head.

    For example, in Ayn Rand's ethics honesty is a primary virtue as one aspect of rationality that means not faking reality in any way to yourself; telling others the truth (when you are not being coerced) is a consequence.

    Ayn Rand's ethics is unique in the way it looks at the facts of human nature that requires having a code of standards, then develops what the basic principles should be and how to implement them, all in the context of the necessity to make choices in all aspects of your life, not social rules leaving you with no guidance for everything else in your life.
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  • Posted by sdesapio 5 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    RE: "I know the person who manages this site."
    I am the person who manages this site. I don't know you.

    RE: "I am an associate producer of the 3rd Atlas Shrugged movie."
    No. You are definitely not an Associate Producer of ASP3. I, however, am.

    RE: "...speaking out about the people who monopolize and ruin our conversations."
    You are not "speaking out about the people..." You are personally attacking other Gulch members.

    Stop Larry. Take a breath, and just stop.
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  • Posted by ewv 5 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    What does Antifa violence have to do with the rejection of personal verbal attacks on this forum?
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  • Posted by ewv 5 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    "Fire and brimstone" as intimidation is one of the many fallacies. So is the assumption that any of it should be believed at all as the invalid premise underlying appealing to "probability".
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  • Posted by ewv 5 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    There are no clown hangmen on the forum (or the moon)! Yes, civility is a requirement for rational discussion.
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  • Posted by ewv 5 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    We know what "Pascal's wager" is and have no difficulty understanding what it says, as well as the joke and the fallacy. It is not "too hard to understand". Rational understanding -- the only kind there is -- cannot consist of emotional immersion in faith to obliterate the logic.
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  • Posted by ewv 5 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Irshultis edited out an extra word: he meant "A commandment is not something with a choice".

    Yet even that can only be accepted by choice -- because a mind cannot be forced -- the choice to accept a duty. And that is the form in which the ten commandments have been understood and accepted as throughout history in their influence.
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  • Posted by ewv 5 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Yes, religion as a primitive form of philosophy attempts to fill the need for a philosophy but fails. It's not something to try to base a philosophy on by rationalizing it.

    It's interesting how just that was attempted on a grand scale in the Dark Ages when Augustine turned Christianity into a "religious philosophy", formulating contrived answers to the basic questions of philosophy based on faith and rationalizations. It haunted western civilization for centuries until Aquinas re-introduced Aristotelianism as the beginning of the long haul out of it, though Aquinas' own theology was still rationalizing religion in addition to his genuine philosophical contributions.
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  • Posted by lrshultis 5 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    His assumption was that a god would be upset about someone who does not believe the myths created by Its ignorant creatures. He believed that he was in good with It. I call it 'It' since a gender does not seem possible for a none existing pretend being.
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