Mexico starts giving caravan migrants transit visas

Posted by $ nickursis 6 years, 2 months ago to Culture
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I am not sure just how this works. You live in a country that is full of corrupt people, drug lords, gangs, typical South American chaos, and so everybody wants to bail out, and come live with their cousins, uncles, aunts in the US. Then, when they get here, a lot of them in turn, become thugs and drug dealer (not all, I know there is a large group that actually work hard and try to assimilate), and demand that everybody bow to their culture, language and social structure. Essentially, they bring their problems here, so their breakdown can be shared with everyone. It has infected a lot of our society, we see much less structure, and the left has attached itself to the chaos for all politics, and seems bent on engineering it into all levels. We have kids lecturing us on guns, while eating tide pods and snorting condoms, and everyone in lamestream cry and boo hoo for them, all the while agreeing on constitutional rejection of our freedoms. I cannot fathom why they do not clean up their country, insist on honesty and law, and rebel against their own system that has made them peasents in their own land. Venezuala is a good example of how a nation gives away their freedom and wealth, so a despot can "make it into their utopia" or a despotic dictatorship. It almost is like a Marshall plan for South America is needed, to go fix all their garbage issues and clean the place up.

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  • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 2 months ago
    Rubbish bleeding heart propaganda from the biased AP.
    Give them all a ticket to France on the cruise ship that's under construction and let the socialists there deal with it.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 2 months ago
    Revolution is hard, dangerous work and it rarely succeeds. Illegal immigration to a country that feeds you and clothes you for nothing is far more attractive.
    The only Marshall Plan needed is to clean up the garbage in DC, build a wall to control immigration, and deport 30 million illegals.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 2 months ago
      Im ok with that plan, Mr. Marshall......
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      • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 2 months ago
        America has 60 million elderly who paid taxes for their entire lives into a system that was supposed to provide a minimum level of support when they are too old to work.
        The rest of the welfare system should be scrapped and income taxes replaced with consumption taxes. The free market unleashed will provide amply for everyone who can work. Private voluntary donations will provide for those who cannot work.
        Once these crippling economic issues are corrected in America there may be ample resources for legal immigration for humanitarian reasons.
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  • Posted by exceller 6 years, 2 months ago
    The migrants are NOT dispersing. The number is still the same as a few days ago.

    If their reason to leave their country is the fear from crime and persecution, arriving to Mexico should solve that issue. Why do they want to come to the US? Just like in the case of the European migrant crisis, most of them (the majority are young men in their prime) are seeking economic gain so fear of persecution does not apply when they are passing through other countries.
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