Let Richard Branson kill United Airlines

Posted by $ nickursis 7 years, 2 months ago to Government
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In the light of the United thing, this Op Ed raises some good points about airlines, some of which have been shared in other discussions, regarding regulations and certain "rules" that make free market existence impossible at this point.
SOURCE URL: http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-welch-united-competition-20170413-story,amp.html

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  • Posted by coaldigger 7 years, 2 months ago
    My first commercial flight was on Capital Airlines in a DC 3. Over the years I have spent some time in the air with Allegheny, Branif, TWA, BOAC, SAS, Lufthansa, KLM, US Air, Eastern, United, Air France, Northeastern, Alitalia, Air Canada, Republic, Delta, American, Spirit, Jet Blue, a whole bunch of local puddle jumpers and probably some nationals I have forgotten.

    It has been a long time since I thought flying was anything but a necessary evil. I tolerate it by putting my mind in neutral and letting myself coast. Resistance to anything they say if futile. I travel as much as I can but I am no longer in a hurry. I do not have anything more valuable than myself and my wife so as long as we are ok, I am ambivalent about our bags. I would not eat a fresh TV dinner at home so I don't event want to see the microwaved glop they serve in coach. Getting a drink is not as bad now that they accept credit cards but it is too stressful to actually want one, just take one if offered and let it be. I try to make myself as small as I can, try not to have to go to the toilet (NO coffee!!) and get as absorbed in a book or movie as I can so I am unaware of all that is around me. I know I can do this for up to 15 hours which takes me to most places I want to go. I am curious about New Zealand, Australia, China, Japan, etc. but haven't gone that far yet. I am probably going to stick with a couple of trips to see the grandkids in FL, some domestic sightseeing and a trip to Europe every year or so. I only ask to arrive safely hopefully before the hotel sells my room and the rental car company cancels my reservation. By setting such a low bar I can keep from getting ulcers and spend all my energy on better things.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 2 months ago
      Wow, you just don't have many expectations. It is probably a very workable solution, I just refuse to get on the things. You didn't mention Southern Airways (Airlines), they did a lot of short hop business in the south and east coast. I flew a DC3 from New Orleans to Gulfport in 1962 or 3 at night. My most memorable flight.
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      • Posted by coaldigger 7 years, 2 months ago
        I was a frequent business flier in what must have been the sweet spot of airline service. I would confidently schedule business meetings in three or sometimes four cities in one day. If you wanted to change to an earlier or later flight the agent would rebook you on the next available flight regardless of the airline and at no charge. Stewardesses were young, pretty, thin and friendly. I never encountered overbooking but if you wanted to make a change you could be placed on standby and may or may not get a seat. Many times I went from standby to first class just by being patient and pleasant.
        When problems occurred, airline personnel were apologetic, courteous and always trying to make it right. On one funny trip to Montgomery, AL from DC it was after a very hard day and my friend and I had a martini in the airport. The flight was delayed on the tarmac and the pilot suggested a free drink on Eastern while we waited (2 martinis). The wait was extended (3 martinis). We changed planes in Atlanta. Another delay (4 martinis). We were very late arriving in Montgomery but had an obvious problem regarding our rental car and getting to our hotel. I told the nice southern belle at the Avis counter that we had a problem and she arranged to have a limo take us to the hotel and they delivered our car the next morning. See if anything like that would happen today.
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        • Posted by $ 7 years, 2 months ago
          Must have been the 80's? I remember the overbooking thing starting to appear in the 90's, then become almost routine in the 00's.
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          • Posted by coaldigger 7 years, 2 months ago
            Late 60's, 70's and 80's. In the late 80's American corporate culture changed drastically. The corporate raiders, LBO's, global competition and short term decision making frenzy turned business into a very different experience. It was true that the mature industries needed to tighten their belts to stay competitive but I believe that increased regulation raised costs artificially and being unavoidable, managers had to pass costs along to employees and the consumers in any way they could.
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