Perception Management.

Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 9 months ago to Politics
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Do you ever feel 'managed?" It's not paranoia it's an actual technique with it's own strategy and tactics. I'ts nothing more than managing your own independent thoughts and diverting your own reasoning - So welcome to the real Dark Side. It is a weapon of war.

Perception management is a term originated by the US military. The US Department of Defense (DOD) gives this definition:

Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator's objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.

"Perception" is defined as the "process by which individuals select, organize, and interpret the input from their senses to give meaning and order to the world around them". Component ,,,include the perceiver, target of perception, and the situation. Factors that influence the perceiver:

Perception management is the practice of ensuring the message you wish to send is understood by the specific individuals or groups you want to reach.

It also means influencing how people interpret what others say about you. ... perception management (is) “the stepchild” of military Information Operations (IO). T...echnology has taken over IO to the point ... its former emphasis of perception management (is) ... relegated to a secondary role.

Business and ...government agencies have ...adopted this stepchild. It...the difference between success and failure. A...brief four-step outline of the PM cycle is a...basis for a simple primer on a crucial discipline.

STEP 1: How Do You Think You Are Perceived?

...clearly define how you think others perceive you. This step must come first because any number of factors can skew these observations. Individuals commonly experience (and) strategically employ the self-serving bias to maintain and protect positive self-views.” (Krusemark, Campbell, & Clementz, 2008, pg. 511) They experience confirmation bias, which simply means interpreting results in the most favorable manner for their purposes.

When these combine among individuals can result in groupthink... a culture of “yes” men. ...strongly cohesive teams ...serve their organizations detrimentally. Teams that encourage a productive level of informed dissent and independence have...immunity to groupthink (Callaway & Esser, 1984). Organizations with particularly strong leaders who promote their own agendas ...are at particular risk of groupthink (Ahlfinger & Esser, 2001).

STEP 2: How Are You Actually Perceived?

Check the accuracy of your organizational self-perception. Surveys...achieve this and extend into Web resources with modern technology...monitor blogs, Facebook and Twitter for unsolicited praise or criticism.

...If surveys are long and impose needless interruption, respondents will receive more negative impressions of you. Political surveys commonly load semantics to both achieve target results and influence opinions: questions are already biased and seek biased results. Remember to keep questions open-ended, semantics neutral and to allow plenty of room for comments. Doing that already communicates you care. Treat them as individuals.

STEP 3: How Do You Want to be Perceived?

This is simple math. What is the difference between your ...self-perception and the ... public perception of your organization? If they match, ... reinforce that perception. If they do not match...ou have just learned where you are and where you need to be.

Very clearly define how you want public perceptions to change and express that in a story. If you have been perceived as socially irresponsible ...acknowledging past failures may be part of that story. That is called framing and it is important because once the public accepts the frame of your organization, they interpret information to fit that frame.

STEP 4: How Do You Change the Perceptions?

Tell your story. You might have had misplaced priorities, suddenly seen the light and now work ... for the public good. That worked for tuna companies in the 1990s. That quickly turns into an underdog story, fighting against some juggernaut. That would be Apple Computers in the 1990s.

Telling the story involves actions as well as exposition. That can be a corporate sponsorship ...a sports team, or acharity. It can be product placement in particular programs. Or keeping a friendly and responsive presence in social media. may have to take the leap into full-fledged reputation management. This means going beyond how you frame your own story to distracting audiences from negativity. While this can be effectively achieved, consider it a last resort. It goes beyond manipulating perception to manipulating information. This is much more expensive and much less effective than recovering a positive perception based on a sympathetic acceptance of a story with acknowledged errors and nothing to hide.

...This definition is based on the understanding of four unique components of organizational perception management.

The organizational perceptions are further classified into three major forms namely organizational images, organizational reputation, and organizational identities.

Perception Management Events: Perception management is often used by an organization in the following major events:

Dealing with perception-threatening events: Include such events as scandals, accidents, product failures, controversial identity changes, upcoming performance reviews, and introduction of new identity or vision.
Dealing with perception-enhancing events: Include such events as positive/negative ranking or rating by industry groups, overcoming hardships, and achievement of desired goals."

Even in this abbrviated articles I took one step to manage perceptions. See if iyou can idenify it. When you read did you identify any particular person as archetypical or prototypical perhaps of the explanations presented?

Thus are candidates elected and one major reason why some of the collectives go to great lengths to build walls between this type information and their programmed expected responses. Klein of the Green Party breeched that collective and Sanders about destroyed it but not quite.

That's our job. turn your back on false premises and embrace independent thinking then act accordingly. For me it's a peaceful in terms of violence counter revolution. But I do live in jeopardy of a more violent response.

For you it's different terminology and definitions the result of indpendent thinking and reasoning.

Time to go. The ants and flies are coming and a swatter.


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