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  • Posted by flanap 10 years ago
    "restore faith in humanity"....

    Wow, that's a trunkload of ambiguity.

    That's the problem right there to begin with. Faith in humanity will always disappoint in the end because men are not dependable.

    Class....what have I said before....only God, who is immutable and loving, is always dependable and the only one worthy of faith.

    So, what to put faith in? Jesus Christ of course.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years ago
    When reading the plot, it is important to note that the "status decile" refers to status within the Reddit community that they are talking about. Thus, the correct interpretation of their results is, "If you have given altruistically to the community before, and now you are down on your luck, you can ask in a time of need. Only when you are in that time of need will your request be honored." What this illustrates is that you will be "liked" if you demonstrate that you still need the rest of the community. A person of independence in that community would be FROWNED upon. I know I read an example in an AR book other than Atlas Shrugged that would be relevant here, but I can't remember which example it is. I want to say that it was from The Fountainehead, but I'm having a senior moment at age 47. The situation I am trying to remember probably included Ellsworth Toohey as "enforcer" that everyone must need the rest of the community. One obvious question is how relevant this Reddit community is to the outside world. I would say that it is a pretty decent model for the world of looters and moochers.
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