White House Science Fair Today

Posted by preimert1 10 years ago to Education
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I was watching this video of the science fair and was impressed by a several of the presentations.
If these kids a fairly representative of American kids today, I think we're still in the ball game.
SOURCE URL: http://www.whitehouse.gov/science-fair?utm_source=email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=email336-text2&utm_campaign=whitehouse#section-watch-videos

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  • Posted by 10 years ago
    When I was at TRW, several of us engineers volunteered to judge science fairs in Inglewood (CA) and although most entries were fairly mundane, there were a few that stood out as grasping the concepts of the scientific method.

    I always thought spending vast sums of money in an attempt to elevate an entire mass of people from one socio-economic level to the next was like using copious energy to lift an entire mountain--only to watch it crash resoundingly once the energy source was removed.

    But if one prospecting on that mountain recognized a few promising stones, picked them up, shaped and polished them, they could become sparkling gems.
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  • Posted by ISank 10 years ago
    Whitehouse makes me skeptical but your comment on kids is well accepted. I got a card from one of my AP gov students, a very kind card with a quote from Ayn that ended with "the world you desire can be won, it exists...it is real...it is possible, it's yours" then he noted he found this quote "pretty inspirational" good kid!
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years ago
    Hello preimert1,
    Impressive. Kids are our future. I hope they teach our President something. I hope he has learned not to tell them "You didn't build that." It would also be beneficial if he could recognize the excessive impediments government bureaucracy creates for these entrepreneurs.
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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 10 years ago
    This is a White House event independent of who happens to be the President. You can be involved in your own locale. See my post "You Can Judge a Regional Science Fair Judge" in the Gulch here: http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/posts/20...
    But see also my earlier post voted down to Minus 1:

    These kids are all pretty smart. Woody Allen said that 85% of success is showing up. At the first level, just at your nearest school, only a minority of science-talented kids actually create projects. I was in a science talented program for four years and never entered. So, even common problems such as the much-plowed and harvested "Stroop Effect" can demonstrate the important fact that all of science is open to independent validation.
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    • Posted by johnpe1 10 years ago
      well, I have no idea why it went to -1, but it's up to 0 now. we need to sponsor these kids whenever we can, 'cuz the John Galts of the future may well come through this sponsorship process!!! -- j
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  • Posted by starguy 10 years ago
    Like Li'l Barry knows anything about science!
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    • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 10 years ago
      Sorry, but Thumbs Down for the snarky comment. What did the George Bushes know, or Ronald Reagan? These are the presidents who knew "anything" about science: Jimmy Carter, Dwight Eisenhower, Herbert Hoover, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington. Did I leave someone out? (See "College Education of the Presidents" on Wikipedia here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Uni...

      _The White House_ hosted these winners from over 40 different science competitions.
      "The White House Science Fair will feature over 100 students from more than 30 states, representing more than 40 different STEM competitions and organizations that recognize the talents of America’s next generation of scientists, engineers, inventors and innovators. Approximately 30 student teams will have the opportunity to exhibit their projects as part of the Fair." http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-offi...

      . The President was the master of ceremonies. The White House welcomes many kinds of intellectuals and artists and other achievers, irrespective of the specific talents of the President of the moment.
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  • Posted by wiggys 10 years ago
    do not kid yourselves. these bright young people are only a very small fraction of the population of their age group, not enough by any stretch to make a difference with respect to the future of the country.
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    • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years ago
      I absolutely, entirely disagree... these are merely some of the ones who went to this big PR event. There are many state, regional, and local science fairs where there are kids, not necessarily selected for a "sociopolitical message" who are producers and innovators in their own right.

      To disregard the generation of today is what EVERY older generation has claimed... I remember in the 60's and 70's, being told "The younger generation will never amount to anything"... without opening your own mind and seeing what the kids nowadays ARE doing.

      Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to send this random assemblage of electronic nothingness via the internothing via this nothing machine, between checking stock quotes (that obviously don't exist) and messages on my handheld iNothing.

      Naw... those younger than us will never do anything of importance, nor will anyone younger than us change the world...
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    • Posted by wiggys 10 years ago
      haven't you read why johnny can't read by I think Leonard Peikoff. of course there will always be some bright people coming along but they are a very small amount of the population of 300 plus million we have. look at what is going on with tattoos, drugs etc since you read the news or see it on the tube with the society in general. there is a breakdown that is occurring and the speed with which it is going is increasing. if you also read "return to the primitive" which was published in 1971 you will read about what is going on today which is not fictional as Atlas is.
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