Red Ponzi Ticking - Collapse is Inevitable - Excellent analysis from David Stockman

Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 4 months ago to Economics
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"there is an economic and financial trainwreck rumbling through the world economy called the Great China Ponzi. In all of economic history there has never been anything like it. It is only a matter of time before it ends in a spectacular collapse, leaving the global financial bubble of the last two decades in shambles.

Forget the orderly transition myth. What happens when the iron ore ports go quiet, the massive copper stock piles on the pig farms are liquidated, the coal country turns desolate, the cement trucks are parked in endless rows, the giant steel furnaces are banked, huge car plants are idled and tens of billions of bribes emitted by the building boom dry up?

What happens is that giant economic cavities open up throughout the length and breadth of the Red Ponzi.

Industrial profits as a whole are already down 5% on a year over year basis, but in the leading sectors have already turned into read ink. In a few quarters China’s business sector, in fact, will be in the throes of a massive profits contraction and crisis.

Likewise, tens of millions of high paying jobs, and the consumer spending power they financed, will vanish. Also, the value of 70 million empty apartment units that had been preposterously kept vacant as a distorted form of investment speculation will plunge in value, wiping out a huge chunk of the so-called savings of China’s newly emergent affluent classes.

So where are all the consumers of services supposed to come from? After peak debt and the crash of China’s vast malinvestments, there will be no surplus income to recycle.

Most importantly, as the post-boom economic cavities spread in cancer like fashion and the crescendo of financial turmoil intensifies, the credibility of the regime will be thoroughly undermined. Capital flight will become an unstoppable tidal wave as the people watch Beijing lurch from one make-do fix and gimmick to the next, as they have during the stock market fiasco of the past two years.

In short, China will eventually crash into economic and civil disorder when the Red Suzerains go full retard with governance by paddy wagons, show trials, brutal suppression of public dissent and a return to Chairman Mao’s gun barrel as the ultimate source of communist party power.

Self-evidently, the Maoist form of rule did not work. But what is now becoming evident is that Mr.. Deng’s printing press has a “sell by” date, too."

Maybe the US dollar has a chance to survive yet?

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