Deals? Trump confirms that he'll cut deals with Pelosi and Schumer. Is this Good or Bad?

Posted by $ HarmonKaslow 8 years, 4 months ago to Politics
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If the Republicans control the House and Senate, then what sort of deal needs to be made with Pelosi and Schumer? Listen to Trump on MSNBC (Jan 26, 2016)

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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 4 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Flat tax is all income tax at one rate. It will last ass long as it lasts. There is nothing to stop it from going up, down, or on a step system with side benefits for some and not for others. The reason for a flat tax is to get the value added disguised as an end user tax in place.

    Fair Tax was the original program which required as it's first step repeal of income tax.As I recall it replaced all payroll taxes. somewhere around 30% one time end user sales tax at the point of sale divided between federal and local governments.

    It wouldn't apply now anyway but the idea was the consumer controlled taxes and budgets by what the consumer chose to spend. Income tax is the opposite fascist in nature and it's purpose is control of citizens.

    The main point is without repeal of one you end up with two and the chances of the percent mentioned not rising are somewhere betwen nil and nought. a chance.

    So figure your income tax bill plus a 16% corporate or business tax bill not limited to corporations plus the add on from the new one from every corporation involved in the production of any good or service. You see that limit?

    I didn't see either of those two requirements.

    Ergo sum it's a Hillary enhanced Pelosi VAT endorsed by two former Libertarians???????
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  • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 4 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Okay, maybe I get part of what you are saying. It's my understanding that the flat tax is simply the income tax that we currently have but flat at 10%. I do not believe it as a new tax, in addition to the existing tax but a revision of the current tax.

    As far as the only one that passes those taxes on to the consumer, I think everyone does it but some don't look at it like I do. Example, (round numbers for example only) If I need $50,000 a year on average to invest in my business to keep up with debt payments and future purchases and my tax on that profit is $5000 then I need a profit of at least $55,000. If I am not there I raise my prices to get there. Of course it is more complicated than this example but at some point it gets passed on.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 4 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I don't understand how it does not raise taxes. What does it replace? It's an added tax if it does not replace something. And you seem to be one of the few that only the consumer pays business tax as an overhead expense it's part of the sale price.

    So for the moment the question should be what does it replace? And if it replaces income tax then where's the part about the amendment to repeal. If it does not do that they will have two taxes the original went from 7% to 77% in eleven years. Do you trust the government that much?

    It won't effect me I won't be contributing nor buying anything in the USA..I''ll just be taking...except for income tax can't get around that one. Amazon went international.
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  • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 4 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Okay. Don't get me wrong I am all for reducing taxes to the lowest point possible. What I don't understand is how Cruz's plan does not reduce taxes well below what they are now. Personally I think there should be a cap on taxes collected as well, which his plan does not include.

    Currently, corporations pay tax on their profits from 15% to 35%. Or like my company, I pay tax on the entire amount of profit at whatever tax bracket that I fall in based on my individual return at a rate from 10% to 40%. Then we have all the other taxes. For my company, I have a profit goal so that I have money left over to stay in business. The money to stay in business is after the tax is paid so in an essence I already pass the tax on profit back to the consumer. I suspect everyone else does too. If not they go out of business. Seems to me a lower flat tax would benefit everyone.

    What am I not seeing? Is there a better solution? Of course I would like to starve government if at all possible. I'm listening.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 4 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Rand and Cruz both came out in favor of a 16% tax on corporations at point of sale of whatever they do. The rest is 'do the math.' If every corporation pays 16% each step of the way it's either collected as a tax and turned in or it's added to their quote unquote business tax" either way it's an expense paid by somebody. Their next in the chain buyer perhaps? Either way it's passed on down as increasing overhead in the Cost of Government column.

    Either the seller corporation or the buyer corporation has to pony up the 16% each step of the way. They recoup the cost by increasing their price. Add all those together it's a value subtracted tax as there is no increase in value only in cost the item or service still has same value...only the cost goes up. Each step of the way.

    Think of the wooden chair you sit in at yiour wooden table looking at your wooden kitchen cabinets. How many corporations are involved from tree to what supports your butt? who pays. The end consumer. Businesses only collect taxes and at some point turn them in but someone has to pay those taxes. Who cannot pass on the cost of collecting all those sixteen percents? Or was it to be divided up between all those corporations? That's the guy that's sitting in the chair going but but but but....

    It's a VAT no matter if it did replace Income Tax-- and that takes an amendment, or an act of congress lowering the tax rate -- it's still a Pelosi favorite. What chance you rate doing away with income tax while their collecting both.

    No document just their rhetoric put to the test and taking that they say thinking it through. and it doesn't have ground truth. Cruz and Rand gave you three choices. Two involved higher taxation and one involved voting against them.

    It's a perversion of the end user consumption tax with no safeguards in sight.
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  • Posted by MountainLady 8 years, 4 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Term, I've decided to take pity on you. I may post a new thread tomorrow or next week with some life experiences. Of course I won't convince you, but like I said, I have taken pity on you.

    The new post is: "Angie."---All your kisses still taste sweet.
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 4 months ago in reply to this comment.
    My vote wont make a hill of beans difference, but its going to Trump as thats my best estimate how to keep Sanders/Hillary out.
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 4 months ago in reply to this comment.
    its not colorado springs. I think its fine that people believe whatever they want and pursue their own happiness, so long as they dont pass laws which interfere with mine- particularly of the victimless variety.
    Hopefully we dont get Hillary or Sanders in November. I think that means Trump gets nominated and wins the election. He wont be anywhere as bad as either Hillary or Sanders.
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  • Posted by MountainLady 8 years, 4 months ago in reply to this comment.
    If I cared, I would ask why you think I'm inconsistent.

    Nor did I ask if you did drugs. I IMPLIED that the nonsense in your comments made one believe you COULD be on drugs.

    Where you live is none of my concern, you're right, as long as you do nothing illegal. Hopefully, it's not Colorado Sprngs.
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 4 months ago in reply to this comment.
    You are pretty inconsistent to be an objectivist. I doubt I would ever meet you or live near you, and thats fine with me. That way you wont feel "endangered".

    Incidentally, I dont do drugs, but it would be none of your business or the people you elect for that matter.
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  • Posted by MountainLady 8 years, 4 months ago in reply to this comment.
    You are totally illogical as well as unreasonable. Why makes you think I am a religious zealot? Perhaps this forum is not for you.

    I have already explained prohibition, and laws against drugs and drunk driving were not a joint church/state endeavor, but a consequence of progressivism and feminism.
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  • Posted by MountainLady 8 years, 4 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I'm only going to comment on your first paragraph. The rest of your post is ludicrous.

    Even the Chinese government realized the damage that opium did to their social order.

    Yes, you have a right to "choose" the things you consume. But why are you being obtuse, term? I have said your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins. Your "choices" not only endanger myself and my family but the social order itself. I will not pick at the details with you; you should be able to ascertain the why of it yourself, and if you cannot, perhaps you have indulged in a little too much drugging.

    I suggest you vote for Rand Paul.
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  • Posted by conscious1978 8 years, 4 months ago in reply to this comment.
    "poster child for crony fascism"

    If I could only upvote this more than +1. You wrapped up Trump's personality, maturity, and philosophy in five words. Well done.
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  • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 4 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I've heard you say this many times but I cannot find a document on his web site to confirm this. Where did you get the info? Link would be helpful. Thanks
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 4 months ago in reply to this comment.
    trouble is he's a member of the Government Party and that makes him automatically suspect especially his stance on one version of the Pelosi VAT tax. Different intials same outcome. Higher prices for the consumer / taxpayer. On the other hand much as I dislike any choices left of center he's by far more preferable than the others offered. Too bad it's not an open election.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 4 months ago in reply to this comment.
    i also agree on shutting down but disagree left wing of the left is given a pass while it applies only to the right wing of the left. For the Government party Rino and Dino alike it's just an act and one poorly enacted by the enablers of the left.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 4 months ago in reply to this comment.
    By structuring the conversation in a conscious, quantum physical way...using quantum truths, biology, anthropology, psychology, astrophysics...etc.
    Using these methods will quickly route out the bull crap but still will leave many interesting questions we can appreciate.
    This is a work in progress and only a consequence of my main objectives.
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  • Posted by mia767ca 8 years, 4 months ago
    you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas...Trump has been in bed with the political fascists all his life...he is the poster child for crony fascism...
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 4 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Another factor in all this is the huge mandated BS stuff that we inflict on all business (Health care, minimum wage, family leave, unemployment, disability, etc) that is a undisclosed burden on business that is not imposed on outsiders. Which is why most business has bailed out that needs people or converted to non human assembly/manufacture. The Imperial government has slowly added burden on burden and then refuses to equalize the burden with an appropriate tariff to equal the load. Your example is a good one, where the fundamentals of business go awry when the gorilla comes in and finds the three bananas left not enough and moves on leaving a vacuum. However, as I recall both the parties have played with the whole trade mess to the point it is so convoluted you cannot get a simple and effective policy in place because it disturbs too many rice bowls...
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 4 months ago
    This is not surprising, in that he blusters and claims allegiances with just about any living being on earth at one point or another. He is not any different that HillaryBeast spewing forth on what a great idea some plant suggested , that she appoint the Obamanation to the Supreme Court so they can close in on complete destruction of the Constitution and any resemblance to law as we would understand it. Unless someone from a 3rd party (or just an outlier) comes forward who has some sense of honesty, integrity and respect for the Constitution, this is election number like 20, where we again have no good choice...
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