If I see one more article or tv spot about "giving back" I swear I'm going to scream!

Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 3 months ago to Culture
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It's so obvious that this is a successful attempt to shape what people think is good and admirable. Especially when I see stories about children "giving back". When I was growing up children were recognized for their achievements; now only altruism is lauded.
How much would I give to see even one businessman, sports star, or celebrity say "No one gave me anything. I earned it!"

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  • Posted by flanap 9 years, 3 months ago
    Whenever I hear about giving back, I am curious as to the reason why? I hear guys like Dave Ramsey tell people as part of his financial advise to ensure they put part of their savings toward giving. The reason? Because almost all successful people he has ever met have been great givers; therefore, his reasons are not based on a principle from the Bible, which he will quickly quote at any given moment to support his positions, but from pragmatism, which is not a Biblical approach at all.

    If you do not give people valid reasons based on immutable principles from God's Word, then you are simple exchanging one form of self-worship for another with the whole "give back" crap.

    From an Objectivist standpoint, I also do not understand why businesses think they are doing anything special by giving some of their profits to some element of society they believe it is politically expedient for ingratiation. Didn't they trade value for value for their profits? Didn't they pay taxes to society's governmental entities to support the infrastructure that provides a business a place to operate? Unless someone just gave, without strings, money to a business, I don't see what there is to "give back."

    Also, I fully understand what this is all about, but these are the questions absolutely no one, even on the radio, asks. It is just assumed this is a "good" thing to do. What it teaches young people is that you should be thankful the government lets you live (couldn't be God giving you life...that would be basing your life on some mystical entity no one can prove exists right?), so you should show your gratitude by giving something you have to someone who doesn't have. There is no basis in this outside of what the government says you should do. It is all propaganda, Big Lie, agenda driven crap.
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    • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 3 months ago
      The reason is very simple -- individualists are difficult to control; sheep are, obviously, much easier to control. What better way to breed sheep than to have each member of a society constantly controling another and being controlled by others? When all the earnings, possessions and ideas are mixed in one big pot, everyone looks at everyone else and controls everyone. The leader then only needs to hold the leash and the world is his.
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      • Posted by $ puzzlelady 9 years, 3 months ago
        Worse--it's aimed at those who have produced something of value that others don't have, but because there was a world here in which to produce it, everyone else, past and present, who is part of that infrastructure becomes entitled to a part of what you were able to accomplish. Except, of course, that Obama goes one step further and tells you "You didn't build that." The effrontery of this slave-making meme goes back to JFK's "Ask not what your country can do for you..." And if you're not willing, they'll use force to extract it from you.
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    • Posted by JuliBMe 9 years, 3 months ago
      I listen to Dave Ramsey, too. I don't mind his God talk. I'm pretty pragmatic about it. No one is forced to believe in a higher being. However, I know people need some sort of direction and hope for a beautiful afterlife to help them become the best people they can be here on earth. The people who do follow Christian beliefs tend to be the happiest, least angry, most generous, and nicest in my experience. So, I look at the Bible as being sort of a great instruction book for living and being.

      With regards to the Christian doctrine of "giving", as Dave Ramsey says, it is not a REQUIREMENT and you should always take care of yourself and your family first. However, he also talks about when you are wealthy and debt-free, giving becomes part of your joyful living. I think, if I were to get there one day, it would be fun and enhancing of my overall life-learning experience to be able to give to others (who I choose) who may be in need.
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      • Posted by $ Snezzy 9 years, 3 months ago
        After one of her talks at Ford Hall Forum Ayn Rand was asked, "What do you think should be done to help the poor, in your kind of society?" She answered, "I would not stop you from helping them."
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        • Posted by JuliBMe 9 years, 3 months ago
          Sure. However, did she ever acknowledge the benefits SHE would gain by being giving to others? Was she a privately generous person? I've read just a few of her books and only seen a couple of her interviews. I don't know. I'm just wondering. And, of course, I'm not talking by force of guilt or any other coercion.
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          • Posted by $ Snezzy 9 years, 3 months ago
            She was generous in ways you might not imagine. Again, at FHF, she occasionally would overrule the Forum's moderater, Judge Lurie, as Lurie was trying to squelch a questioner who he thought was hostile or argumentative. Rand would say, "No, no, this is interesting. Let him ask his question."

            Personally, she was very generous of her time, spending hours into the late night having discussions with her friends. She was perhaps better known, though, for her occasional bursts of vitriol at people she thought were trying to take advantage of her. I heard her say to one of her fans, "I'LL SUE YOU!" (He deserved it.)

            Monetarily generous? I really do not know. She was very private about money.
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      • Posted by flanap 9 years, 3 months ago
        The trouble I have with your statements is that they sound like "that is okay for them, but not for me necessarily," in the context of Christian beliefs.

        Here is the problem. If you do not ground yourself in principles that are immutable, then you are not grounded at all and, therefore, the basis for your decisions have no reason to not change day to day or less often.

        Pragmatics is one of the worst bases to make decisions on (moral decisions that is) because how do ever know it will always work? If you are the one setting the rules, since you can change so can the rules.

        The trouble with Dave's message is that he tries to implement Christian practices, especially giving, into his business which really only have meaning for those who are believers in Jesus Christ and, therefore, have the ability to actually do those things in a manner that really matter. For the purpose which he does it, it is a business decision, not a decision which makes him a better person or a better Christian.

        How can I say that? Well, take this example. Dave touts tithing to the church as an "evangelical" Christian (whatever that means), but doesn't teach that to others on his program as part of his "financial peace" plan. Well, why doesn't he? Well, if he did that, what difference would he be than just another Bible teacher right? He doesn't teach that as a reason because that isn't what will get him more money; however, if he simple tells others that "giving is a good idea because most rich and successful people are great givers" then that sounds great, especially when you look at all the money supposedly given for great moral ends such as Bill and Melinda Gates through their foundation, the moral implications of which can easily be argued to not be toward better ends for humanity.

        At the end of the day, if your sacrificial giving isn't as unto the Lord Jesus Christ and God the Father, then it is for selfish reasons.

        Choose this day whom you will serve; it is either yourself, or God.
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        • Posted by JuliBMe 9 years, 3 months ago
          Your statement is one, very similar to the left in that you judge people are not "this" or "that" enough to be what they say they are. Your position does not come from a love of other people but a love of your own judgement. People are not perfect. That is not to say we cannot judge others actions. That is a different subject. If you can't accept or love people as they are, in their understanding of this journey of life, then you are not serving humanity or God either.

          How do you know I am not grounded in principles? I expressed only uncertainty in the existence of a supreme being. You have to admit there is no concrete evidence either way. Faith is something we all have to grapple with. So? I don't have enough faith for you? Too bad.

          I accept Dave Ramsey as he presents himself as I do most people until they prove themselves to be otherwise. Why would I judge him? He is doing a service and giving information for which many people benefit. To criticize him is your right. However, criticism generally reflects onto the criticizer, not the recipient. He's gotten rich doing it? So? His understanding of his religion is just that, his. He has a big platform with which to express his opinion and others can take or leave it as they wish. I will say it takes enormous courage to express a definite opinion for all to hear and then have to endure the criticism (not to mention threats of bodily harm in this day and age) that is sure to come.
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