The History Of HMOs Or How It Was Always The Goal To Force Individuals Into Group Insurance

Posted by khalling 9 years, 4 months ago to Economics
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1. The article addresses how we got into this mess and why costs have sky rocketed under those plans
Since individuals were "forced " into inefficent plans that insured everyone for almost everything, the point can be made it leaves a system ripe for abuse. Unintentionally, the patient and doctor are removed from understanding the costs of procedures and alternatives. When demand increases so does the cost. But who pays? I often felt this when getting perscription meds. My plan did not cover prescriptions. Why should it? But the 5 people in line before me were all paying nothing to $10. I get up there and pay $160. I 'm the only one paying cash full price yet I am the one penalized. Part of the reason the cost is so high has to do with the divorce from the manufacturer to the actual customer. Somewhere along the line it changed from you to the insurance company and since the passage of ACA -the govt. You are not a customer at all. You are simply a user, even though you are paying or not paying whichever

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  • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 4 months ago
    Great article. How insane is it that I have to have health coverage that covers pediatric dental care when I am a dentist? The whole system seems insane, but there are many people who have looted huge amounts of money using the system.
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