What 10 Years of U.S. Meddling in Ukraine Have Wrought (Spoiler Alert: Not Democracy)

Posted by freedomforall 1 month ago to Government
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"Over the last decade, Ukraine has been the battleground in a proxy war between the U.S. and Russia – a conflict massively escalated by the Kremlin’s invasion in 2022. The fight erupted in early 2014, when Biden and his team, then serving in the Obama administration, supported the overthrow of Ukraine’s elected president, Viktor Yanukovych. Leveraging billions of dollars in U.S. assistance, Washington has shaped the personnel and policies of subsequent Ukrainian governments, all while expanding its military and intelligence presence in Ukraine via the CIA and NATO. During this period, Ukraine has not become an independent self-sustaining democracy, but a client state heavily dependent on European and U.S. support, which has not protected it from the ravages of war.

The Biden-Obama team’s meddling in Ukraine has also had a boomerang effect at home.

As well-connected Washington Beltway insiders such as Hunter Biden have exploited it for personal enrichment, Ukraine has become a source of foreign interference in the U.S. political system – with questions of unsavory dealings arising in the 2016 and 2020 elections as well as the first impeachment of Donald Trump. After years of secrecy, CIA sources have only recently confirmed that Ukrainian intelligence helped generate the Russian interference allegations that engulfed Trump’s presidency. House Democrats' initial attempt to impeach Trump, undertaken in the fall of 2019, came in response to his efforts to scrutinize Ukraine’s Russiagate connection.

This account of U.S. interference in Ukraine, which can be traced to fateful decisions made by the Obama administration, including then-Vice President Biden and his top aides, is based on often overlooked public disclosures. It also relies on the personal testimony of Andrii Telizhenko, a former Ukrainian diplomat and Democratic Party-tied political consultant who worked closely with U.S. officials to promote regime change in Ukraine.

Although he once welcomed Washington’s influence in Ukraine, Telizhenko now takes a different view. “I'm a Ukrainian who knew how Ukraine was 30 years ago, and what it became today,” he says. “For me, it's a total failed state.” In his view, Ukraine has been “used directly by the United States to fight a [proxy] war with Russia” and “as a rag to make money for people like Biden and his family.”"
Read on for the evidence of US/NATO acts of war in Ukraine against Russia.
Proof that Russia's "invasion" was after the US forced a coup d etat against the democracy that people of Ukraine had created.
SOURCE URL: https://realclearwire.com/articles/2024/04/30/what_10_years_of_us_meddling_in_ukraine_have_wrought_spoiler_alert_it_wasnt_democracy_1027411.html

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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 month ago
    The answer to that question depends a lot on who's doing the asking and who's being asked.
    If you wanted money laundering on an industrial scale you've come to the right place.
    If you wanted clandestine bioweapons Labs step right up to the bar, son, we've got you covered.
    If your game is obtaining little children to Torture, molest and sacrifice to Baal, Look no further, chum.
    If you have a need to use your high political office for grift and influence, there isn't a more corrupt regime to play with than little 'ol Ukraine.
    Finally if your purpose in life is to Eff with major nuclear powers because you are otherwise impotent to do anything else to hurt them.. then buddy, have I got a deal for you.

    No, lots of things have gone swimmingly for a select group of very dirty and evil bassturds.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 1 month ago
    The Ukraine is a money tossed after too much stupid for bad spending money pit.
    Our Founding Fathers advised staying out of foreign affairs unless it became a direct threat (such as Barbary pirates attacking American shipping or the bombing of Pearl Harbor). .
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 1 month ago
      Here me dino be back again a few hours later after listening to Hannity on my car radio on my way back from a grocery store.
      Never heard of Ukrainian born Indiana Representative Victoria Spartz before. She told Hannity she is AGAINST the USA sending money to what she called "the Ukrainian slush fund" because we do not know how the money is being spent.
      Talk about putting America first! No kickbacks for patriots.
      Me dino now recalls reading here about Zelensky's wife going on a big money shopping spree in Paris after the start of the Russian invasion. I also read in Fox News of top government officials buying real estate in Switzerland.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov 1 month ago
    Why did Finland and Sweden join NATO after decades of neutrality? They have better insight into Putin's end goal than either the US or the rest of Europe, and realized they were no longer safe.

    Ukraine, for better or worse, has been used as a testing ground, to see how NATO would respond to an invasion of a former Soviet state. Re-absorbing Ukraine was always in the cards, and when the people rejected the idea of becoming part of a Russian alternative to the EU, the writing was on the wall.

    The election of Zelensky, who ran on a promise to fight government corruption, was the trigger for Russian action, aided by members of Ukraine's own "Deep State" who saw an end to the gravy train. Ukraine has been fighting two wars: the one against Russia, and the one against its own dysfunctional bureaucracy inherited from its days as a Soviet state.

    Russia itself can only be saved by a collapse of the Soviet leftovers, including Putin himself. He and the other members of the rotten Russian state see the conflict as existential, as they are incapable of real reform that would keep their hands out of the cookie jar.

    There are more elements to a story than most people see. Becoming tribal and adhering rigidly to one side of an extreme leaves one blind in one eye. Biden and company are as corrupt as their Russian counterparts.
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    • Posted by mhubb 1 month ago
      one more time
      Russia is in no shape to go after ANY other nation
      she is a hollow shell of the Soviet Union

      her navy is a joke
      her army is now missing the Warsaw Pact nations, in fact those nations are now on the other side

      the trigger for Russian action was talking about Ukraine joining NATO
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      • Posted by DrZarkov 1 month ago
        The European militaries are a joke, and they know it, which is why they're thankful Ukraine is willing to spill its blood to hold off the Russians. Trump told them bluntly that they needed to step up and be prepared to defend themselves, and only a couple took his warnings seriously.

        Before they get built up, the capacity of all of the European NATO members combined to produce artillery shells is about 400,000 shells annually, compared to Russia's current capacity of 2 million (which they're now increasing to 3 million). The size of the combined air forces is less than half that of Russia's remaining combat aircraft. All the tanks in Europe number in the hundreds, while Russia still has thousands. Russia has more men in uniform than all the European members together, and many now have combat experience against a NATO trained adversary. Painting the Russian military as weak would be a catastrophic joke.

        The trigger for invading Ukraine was watching the Biden administration botch the withdrawal from Afghanistan, and show general weakness in dealing with adversaries like Iran. Had Trump not equipped Ukraine with Javelin antitank missiles, and Zelensky not refused to accept the asylum offered, Russia would have swept Ukraine in days, and been ready for the next victim, likely a former Warsaw Pact member.
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        • Posted by mhubb 4 weeks, 1 day ago
          yeah, the West German army is a joke?


          get a fing clue
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          • Posted by DrZarkov 4 weeks, 1 day ago
            "West German?" You're living in the past, friend. There's only one unified Germany, and it's nervous about Russia. Poland has been frantically trying to build up its military, screaming at the other European NATO members that Russia is a real threat.
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            • Posted by mhubb 4 weeks, 1 day ago
              you think the West German army just vanished when the 2 Germanies combined?
              German Army is mostly West German stuff
              (key word, MOSTLY)


              all those Leopard 2 tanks just evaporated??
              the Flakpanzer Gerppard is an effective asset against drones, better than the the M113 we have with a 20mm Vulcan (the Flakpanzer has radar guided guns)

              nice job falling for West German)

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              • Posted by DrZarkov 4 weeks, 1 day ago
                The German technology is good (hasn't it always been?), but it's a game of numbers. Quantity is a quality of its own, and Russia still has many more armored vehicles than the rest of Europe. The leopard isn't invulnerable, as we've seen in Ukraine, anymore than any of the other technologically superior western tanks, so numbers matter when you start losing vehicles.

                BTW, the Army's version of the Navy CIWS is also radar guided, but the Geppard is much later technologically, and designed for the job, unlike our cobbled up system.

                Give Ukraine some credit for creativity, especially with drones, both the air and sea variety. It isn't technological inferiority that's caused all the Russian navy casualties. US vessels are just as vulnerable to the "Sea Baby" drones, because they aren't easy to detect, and are under the guns when they attack. We better be paying close attention to this conflict, because we're being introduced to robot warfare, and don't think the Russians aren't learning (the hard way).
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      • Posted by craigerb 1 month ago
        Tell it to Ukraine, Georgia, Chechnya, Moldava,...
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        • Posted by mhubb 1 month ago
          all parts of Russia long before the US existed

          or do you want the whole world in NATO?
          for a Soviet Union that no longer exists

          small nations have issues..
          always had issues defending them
          is that our problem?

          feel free to blame the democrats that have worked hard to make Russia an enemy
          they should be an ally
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  • Posted by term2 1 month ago
    The USA just wants to keep Russia busy fighting and not winning. We don't want Ukraine, and Russia really doesn't expect to get much at this point. The country is pretty much destroyed. Its a power thing between Russia and USA.
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