EV’s stuck for days unable to charge in frozen Chicago : “A bunch of dead robots”

Posted by freedomforall 4 months, 3 weeks ago to Government
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How many times do we have to warn the EV morons about obvious reality?
"“Plugged in and not charging”
In the deep freeze this week, people all over Canada and the USA are finding out how complicated it is to own an EV in cold weather.

Not only do the cars lose a hefty 30 to 50% of their range, but the battery itself can’t accept charge if it gets too cold, so EV’s need to precondition their batteries before they can start to charge. (To precondition is EV-jargon for “warming them up”.) However, there is a point, as temperatures fall, where batteries cannot even heat themselves enough so they can start charging. They have to drain the battery to charge the battery. It’s a death-spiral towards a frozen singularity.

How cold is too cold? The ideal temperature for charging an EV is 15 – 35°C (or 60-95 F) so some advise preconditioning the battery when it’s below 15C. But the charging speed declines as the chemical reactions slow down, and it reaches nothing at about 0°C (32F). So if the car is minus five, the battery won’t even accept a charge.

At the supercharging station in Oak Brook Chicago, people have been trying for days to charge their EVs, which are stuck immobile at the charging station while the queues grow. People without a home charger are rather screwed:

“Dead cars line parking lot due to frigid temps”
Dane Placko, Fox News

“Nothing. No juice. Still on zero percent,” said Tyler Beard, who has been trying to recharge his Tesla at an Oak Brook Tesla supercharging station since Sunday afternoon. “And this is like three hours being out here after being out here three hours yesterday.”

Beard was among the dozens of Tesla owners trying desperately to power up their cars at the Tesla supercharging station in Oak Brook. It was a scene mirrored with long lines and abandoned cars at scores of other charging stations around the Chicago area.

“This is crazy. It’s a disaster. Seriously,” said Tesla owner Chalis Mizelle.

So not only do we “need” a lot more superchargers, and a bigger grid, and more electricity, but we probably need to enclose and heat those garages as well, and maybe put in some hotel rooms and office space for people to do something while they wait…

Just read the dramas of one poor EV driver who “forgot to plug the car in at -39°C one night.

The battery was at 28% but when he woke up the battery was 0% with warnings that the vehicle was shutting down. He tried to run to the house to grab the charger, but it was too late. When he returned — everything was dead to the point he couldn’t charge it. He rang the Tesla helpline and they sent someone out to jump start the 12V battery. But charging still didn’t work.

He pleaded for advice: “right now passenger side window is half down and stuck, both batteries are dead. I can’t charge main battery until I can charge 12V I guess. I bought 12V charger from Home Depot. Even this thing not charging 12V. I did some research and found out that this battery charger can’t charge a dead battery. Nearest Tesla station is Edmonton and I’m Grande Praire. Towing cost will be more than 500. I bought Tesla December 22. Any thoughts or suggestions…”

Maybe he can run an electric blanket out from the house and warm up the battery?"
Stupid moron.

All Comments

  • Posted by nonconformist 4 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    The key is to realize laws exist without a state. You don't need a monopoly on law making and monopoly on violence to have and enforce laws.

    For example, a conscientious person doesn't engage in stealing because they fear state punishment. They don't steal because that is an anti-social behavior. It breaks an implied social contract. They don't do it because they don't want others to do it to them. It is an implied rule, an emergent law out of logic and reason. It is a demonstration of a way to derive laws without the need of a state.

    One does need law enforcement though, but it doesn't need to be provided by a monopoly that imposes itself on society. If one separates law creation (discovery?) and law enforcement, then it becomes possible to have multiple law enforcement agencies that may compete with each other in providing their services to society.

    I can see this system working.
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  • Posted by term2 4 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    The state doesnt run anything right really. I wonder whether people would figure out how to respect each other and make anarchy work.
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  • Posted by nonconformist 4 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    Agreed. Free market should sort this out.

    I'm a voluntarist myself, by the way. IMHO, your problem exists because of state violence. If the state did not exist, this and a huge percentage of all problems on earth would not exist.
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  • Posted by term2 4 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    I think I am more upset by the politiization of EV and the forcing them upon us for ideological reasons rather than practical marlet based reasons. When its time for ICE to go and be replaced by something that people prefer, the market will see it happen. In the meantime, Biden can take his EVs and shove them. they are not ready for mass production, and the current glut of EVs that arent selling are proof of that.
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  • Posted by nonconformist 4 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    I would dispute that, I am a bit of an engineer myself but in a different area. Why would it be a good thing for me not to be an engineer? I would think it would be a positive thing, no?

    Rare earth metals aren't actually 'rare.'

    Nah, ICE is terrible. You only get like 30% efficiency or so. We need to get rid of that crap asap.
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  • Posted by term2 4 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    Good thing you aren’t an engineer. Converting the energy contained in oil based products into mechanical energy is quite a feat. In the last 100 years there are gas turbines, jet engines, ICE for cars using gasoline and diesel fuels that have been perfected to be more efficient and practical. They are marvels of engineering. Current electric cars are marvels of engineering too, but not sustainable because they rely on scarce rare earth metals and the production of much more electricity than is available today. If we didn’t restrict use of nuclear power plants, perhaps this problem can be solved
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  • Posted by term2 4 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    The major challenge is to find an energy storage medium that is safe and easily formulated and lightweight and energy dense that is easily converted to mechanical energy for use in cars and trucks. Quite a challenge actually
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  • Posted by term2 4 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    I would agree that it might not be possible within the bounds of resource availability and the laws of physics to allow for freedom of travel as we have it today. Before the easy availability of gasoline, travel by horse and buggy was all we had to get around. Gasoline changed all that, but we will need a replacement energy storage when that is depleted. The use of electrical power for transportation is going to depend on the ability to store large amounts of energy that can be easily converted to electricity. Quite a. Challenge. I hope that leftist governments don’t impede the practical implementation of a suitable solution. So far this crazy promotion of electric cars before the technology is ready is distressing. The market is currently rebelling and not buying the electric cars with lithium battery packs. Japanese companies are exploring better alternatives, so we will c
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  • Posted by nonconformist 4 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    "Engineers will eventually make EV technology better hopegully"

    Yes, by using something like a fuel cell and a liquid chemical energy storage medium.
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  • Posted by nonconformist 4 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    "The IC engine of today is a marvel of engineering."

    If I put my engineering hat on, it is utter garbage. For engineers, the simpler your design is, the better. ICE engines are way too complex. They suck, IMHO.
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  • Posted by nonconformist 4 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    "If oil runs out and whatever is left becomes incredibly expensive, human ingenuity will perfect other methods to make portable energy possible for humankind."

    Let me correct that for you:
    When oil runs out and whatever is left becomes incredibly expensive, human ingenuity may (if not predated upon too strongly by own kind) discover and perfect financially viable methods to make portable energy possible for humankind, but ONLY IF such methods actually possible in the configuration of the current universe with the resources within human reach.

    See, this isn't a given.

    But I guess it already happened to some extent, so, maybe it is not too much of a stretch.
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  • Posted by nonconformist 4 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    There is plenty of research out there that predicts doom for the oil industry. I guess oil will not be gone tomorrow, but it will become more and more expensive as time goes on until a point at which it will no longer be financially viable to use it as fuel/source of energy (solar/nuclear will be cheaper). If you look at the charts, it is already looking pretty bad. As I recall, the current energy cost was 1 barrel of oil to pull 2 out. Once it goes to 1:1, game over. You are going to need to use solar or nuclear to get the oil out of the ground, at which point it would make no sense to burn in in ICE vehicles. You might as well figure out a way to put solar/nuclear energy into your car somehow. I wouldn't recommend batteries, so, the only other thing that I can think of is a fuel cell and hydrogen (or some other chemical energy storage solution).
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  • Posted by nonconformist 4 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    I've looked at existing carbon capture technology as well as corn ethanol, etc. That shit isn't going to be practical. Feel free to research it, I guarantee you there is no way to make that financially viable.
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  • Posted by nonconformist 4 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    You are preaching to the choir, I've already said battery powered EVs are stupid. What I'm saying is that we need FUEL CELL powered EVs, which do already exist. These have a very small battery, which can mostly be replaced by a supercapacitor. So, you can easily have a regular lead acid battery in one of those like in current ICE vehicles. We just need to invest a little bit more R&D into these fuel cell EVs and we will have something much better than ICE vehicles. Ya, forget batteries, Elon is a fucking moron.

    By the way, electric motors don't explode or catch fire. Same with fuel cells. Hydrogen is safe enough, but with my idea of chemical H storage (ammonia or something like it) it would be even more safe (and more efficient).

    Electric motors are extremely low maintenance, as far as I know. They require no oil changes. There are MUCH less parts to break. The is very little friction in them, which means low wear and tear. If you switch to magnetic bearings they'll probably work for thousands of years without needing any maintenance. When was the last time you did maintenance on your bathroom fan?
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  • Posted by 4 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    How many diesel engines have exploded as a % of the number in use in the past 5 years?
    Compare that % to the % of EVs that have caught fire and destroyed property nearby.
    Diesels are safer and EV's are not ready to compete head to head with ICE vehicles for the same jobs at this point.
    The cost of maintaining diesels is high? How about cost of replacing EV batteries? All vehicles require maintenance
    and at this point the life cycle cost of diesel engines appears to be a better bargain than EVs in the same uses.
    Will hydrocarbon fuels run out some day? Since there is no certainty of the source of such fuels, nor how much is being produced
    (if any) on planet earth, neither you nor anyone else knows if hydrocarbon fuel will ever run out.
    In addition, you assume that EV technology will improve enough to take the place of ICE vehicles, but you also assume
    that there will never be a practical way to create gasoline or diesel. I'd be glad to hear evidence for all these assumptions.
    Defending ICE vehicles isn't 'stupid' as they are better for the job they do than current EVs.
    Defending EV's isn't 'stupid' either, but ignoring their limitations and wasting scarce resources on EV's
    that are much more costly and less effective than ICE vehicles for the job is not rational.
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  • Posted by term2 4 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    Hindenburg may have caught fire but it spread so fast it sure looked like it blew up. The issues with hydrogen or other energy storage is when unplanned things happen, like accidents. Nothing that stores massive energy is safe under all possible conditions. Break apart lithium batteries in an accident and put water on the lithium and it violently explodes. ICE vehicles were born out of the discovery of oil and gas. Amazing inventions actually that human ingenuity came up with. If oil runs out and whatever is left becomes incredibly expensive, human ingenuity will perfect other methods to make portable energy possible for humankind. Electric storage with lithium batteries has a place but not in remote and cold climates. I bet a model T didn’t start so well in fridgid temps, but modern ICE. Engines soon to work acceptably now. Give credit where credit is due. The IC engine of today is a marvel of engineering. EV is already a marvel of engineering, but not as adaptable as ICE present day technology. I would go for an electric golf cart or fork lift and maybe a Tesla for local use in warm climates. Engineers will eventually make EV technology better hopegully
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  • Posted by nonconformist 4 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    Hindenburg didn't blow up. The hydrogen caught fire after it leaked out of the bags.

    Hydrogen storage is a problem. It is not terribly practical. However, Toyota and Hyundai made it work already. Still, I am aware of one practical hydrogen storage technology yet to be realized: ammonia. It is pretty similar to propane. You can generate it directly from electricity (research ongoing) and you can get hydrogen from it using a catalytic reaction. Unfortunately, ammonia is corrosive and toxic. However, it is being used as fertilizer, so, maybe it is not so bad. So, hydrogen storage issue can be resolved.

    Lithium batteries DO NOT explode when in contact with water. They are sealed and isolated in layers way too good for that to be an issue.

    I will agree with you about the explosive potential of lithium batteries though, but that happens due to thermal runaway, not due to water. Thermal runaway with lithium batteries, as it so happens, IS put out with water. I've read people using water to put it out. It works because it lowers the temperature of the battery below the critical temperature due to water's volumetric heat capacity.

    Hydrogen, on the other hand, wouldn't have any sort of explosive potential until it is mixed with an oxidizer in close to right proportion. If you have hydrogen (or any other type of fuel) in a tank alone, it is never exploding.

    By the way, diesel will become flammable at the right temperature. So, I wouldn't exactly call it safe.

    The problem is with oil sourced fuels is that oil is eventually going to run out. Maybe not soon, but at some point. Once you run out, it is impractical to create gasoline/diesel from some other source of energy, such as nuclear or solar.

    Another problem is that gasoline/diesel engines are "stone age" contraptions. Their complexity makes them prone to break downs. They require a lot of maintenance, oil changes, etc. They are not very energy efficient, compared to electric motors.

    So, defending ICE vehicles is stupid. That shit should be put to rest and more practical technology needs to be deployed.
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 4 months, 2 weeks ago
    Sing along with me…….
    We told ya so we told ya so we told ya so we told ya so we told ya so we told ya so we told ya so we told ya so……..
    I’m well past the point of caring…..I’m possibly even past the point of helping. But I’m definitely at the point of POINTING AND LAUGHING XD
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  • Posted by term2 4 months, 2 weeks ago in reply to this comment.
    Government only promotes programs that benefit government and its minions. EVs just give more power to government by restricting choice. Whatever government promotes should be rejected at this point
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  • Posted by term2 4 months, 2 weeks ago in reply to this comment.
    I agree that government sanction of marriage is really a stupid idea. Leave it to the people to decide who to stay with
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  • Posted by $ katrinam41 4 months, 2 weeks ago
    In rural Ohio, when light bulbs were incandescent and radiated heat, Dad would run one under the hood of his car overnight. A heavy moving blanket helped to keep the heat in, and his car started every morning. How do farmers keep their incubators warm now? Are there any incandescent out there anywhere? I finally ran out of my stored bulbs a few months ago.
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