More Money Laundered By Buydem: $2 Billion in Subsidies (With $5.5 Billion more approved), Only 2 EV Stations Opened, the Holdup is Social Justice

Posted by freedomforall 4 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
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"In yet another example of Biden incompetence, the administration is setting up rules making it harder to deliver EV charging stations.

Politicizing EV Charging Stations

The Wall Street Journal comments on The Politicized EV Charger ‘Revolution’

The government rollout of EV chargers has been a slow-motion affair, and as you’d expect the reason is politics. The feds are throwing billions of dollars to build charging stations, but they’ve added social-justice and union mandates that make the build-out more complicated than necessary.

It’s the latest payout from $7.5 billion in funding from the 2021 infrastructure spending blowout. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg spoke of handing out the money as a triumph in itself; “We have a chance to lead the world in the EV revolution.”

But the revolution’s been a long time coming. Despite the $2 billion of subsidies already authorized, only two federally funded stations have opened.

The bureaucrats are getting in their own way. The FHWA issued a rule requiring that workers for most projects be certified by the electricians union, or another government-approved training program.
The latest funding comes with rules that will make sure charging station customers are even scarcer than workers. Half of the grant money is set aside for “disadvantaged communities that are marginalized by underinvestment,” which by the agency’s description includes Alaskan and Arizonan Indian tribes and urban parks and libraries.

Half of the money will be spent where no one can afford an EV."
Buydem is a thieving scumbag who should be interviewed in Gitmo, tried for treason and executed. He is an excellent example of the population of D.C.

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 4 months, 3 weeks ago
    It would be an exercise in futility to even attempt to suggest to our elected officials that Biden really needs to 'go home' now. I don''t believe one thing that comes out of the WH. We all know who is managing that place and it is O'bama's four stooges placed there to follow his orders. They are bent on our destruction. That is their only goal. Wake up world! Believe it!
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    • Posted by 4 months, 3 weeks ago
      He should have been buried in his basement in 2020 after he lost the election.
      D.C. is utterly corrupt and filled to the brim with TRAITORS.
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      • Posted by $ 25n56il4 4 months, 3 weeks ago
        Good idea! I cannot fathom how his 'beloved' wife puts up with this. He has been elected to our highest office and now he is an embarrassment to them. What are they waiting around for? They are just exploiting this man. They disgust me for continuing this. I am sorry for him and praying for our country.
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        • Posted by 4 months, 3 weeks ago
          He was NOT elected.
          He was placed there in a coup d etat stolen election, and he knew it was happening.
          He is a traitor who should be executed along with everyone who
          followed his orders and everyone who gave him orders.
          I only feel sorry that he was already prosecuted and executed.
          Death to tyrants.
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