There is no further “point of no return” to be passed. Time To LEAVE. A Union By Force Is NO Union.

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 1 month ago to Politics
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" superpower won’t remain super when, as Victor Davis Hanson lately lamented, it must “fixate only on the irrelevant that we think we can address while ignoring the existential.”

These existential yet insoluble problems? They are self-inflicted wounds like weakened security, economic ruin, dysfunctional cities, nonexistent borders, transgender tyranny, and the weaponization of our justice system.

And add as a coup de grace—the ultimate point past the point of no return—Joe Biden’s diktat disappearing the internal combustion engine. This will accelerate a death spiral for automakers and power producers already overwhelmed by renewable mandates. It will accentuate energy poverty, lead to decreased private ownership of soon-to-be-unaffordable automobiles, and ultimately actuate a forced flight from capacious suburbs to cramped spaces in family-unfriendly urbs—and a crimped American Dream.

Why are these problems insoluble? Because any dissent from the ruling class narrative risks persecution, prosecution, “peaceful” (read riotous) protests, lawsuits, suspensions, canceling, and cutoffs of livelihoods and necessities.

Moreover, all meaningful avenues to counter mendacious, monolithic misrule by out-of-touch elites remain stubbornly blocked.

Today’s executive branch is a pen-and-phone and deep state-dominated operation, utterly disdainful of the people it is ostensibly devoted to serve.

Our justice system systematically weaponizes itself against that citizenry and the judiciary injudiciously generates inventive subversions of its will (See: Obamacare, DACA, transgender rights).

Corporate America co-opts portfolios and pension funds to undermine investors’ and workers’ interests in the service of a woke ideology, an even more woke corporate media colludes with one political party, and our woke culture devalues core American values.

We have solve-nothing, spend-everything (and more) Congresses.

We have an electoral process that—whether or not irretrievably tainted by systemic fraud and rigged by an elite “cabal”—dubiously delivered not just the White House but also net midterm senatorial, gubernatorial, and state legislative gains to the party of the most decrepit, degenerate, disdained and disaster-inducing presidential incumbent in history. "

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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 1 month ago
    I recently became aware of an interesting term. MTH which is an acronym for Mean Time to Harrasment.
    It’s a gauge of how long someone can be self sufficient and ungovernable until Armed Government Workers show up to administer the harrasment.
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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 1 month ago
    The South had EVERY RIGHT to leave

    the issue was economic
    but came down to the simple fact that their slaves were the wealth of the South

    they also made the mistake of being seen as firing the First Shot

    the Federal Government log ago broke the deal
    and have never suffered the consequences, they keep voting themselves more and more graft
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