Covid vaccines were approved on fraud and cause symptomatic illness

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 2 years, 10 months ago to Science
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Psst...I came to this concussion months ago...just from reading the science and plain ole fashion observation.

Now, here is an explanation of what's going on in your bodies.
Why doesn't Everyone vaxed get sick...cause EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT. Something the leftist global idiots refuse to acknowledge.

"Previous attempts to develop a coronavirus vaccine for SARS, MERS, dengue and Zika also failed to achieve anything useful and ultimately attenuated immune cells, making vaccinated test animals more susceptible to wild-type infection."

"When humans first fell ill to SARS-CoV-2, scientists sequenced the suspected causative agent — a coronavirus spike protein with enhanced gain-of-function properties. The sequence of the spike protein was fine-tuned and quickly made available in the form of mRNA for vaccine production. Once injected, these mRNA instructions subvert the normal genetic instructions of the affected cells. The cells read the newly-injected instructions and begin translating the spike proteins, delivering them to the surface of the cell. Because covid vaccines deliberately cause the body to infect itself with the causative agent of SARS-CoV-2, it’s impossible for covid vaccines to promote health."

"It’s bad enough that these vaccine efficacy studies use diagnostic fraud, but the studies are also grossly inadequate because they only aim to prove that the vaccine reduces the number of symptomatic cases of covid-19 in a given cohort of people. The studies do not in any way prove that the vaccine prevents SARS-CoV-2 infection, transmission, hospitalization, death or even less severe symptoms. Ironically, the clinical studies and/or the post-authorization studies show that these vaccines deliberately cause symptomatic illness in the form of severe adverse events, systemic inflammation, fainting, diarrhea, vomiting, myocarditis, pericarditis, bell’s palsy, Guillain Barres syndrome and hypersensitivity reactions (e.g., rash, pruritus, urticaria, angioedema). A majority of vaccinated test subjects experience fever, chills, headaches and pain that requires further medical intervention. Because covid vaccines deliberately cause symptomatic illness, its insane to think they could achieve anything useful for science and health".

The link below is the whole article.

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  • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 10 months ago
    All I needed to know was Fauci and Bill Gates were involved and I knew I wasn’t going to take it.
    Let alone that early HCQ with Zinc and a Zpack
    And Later learned of Ivermectin was very effective
    Treatments sealed the deal anyway. The emergency use approval requires no effective treatments. Should be null and void, so I will add an a and turn void into avoid.
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    • Posted by $ 2 years, 10 months ago
      I can't blame normal conscious people not being able to accept that some scientific creature would actually create a vaccine that not only gave you the disease by also made you spread it to others.

      I saw that early on...I even doubted my insights at the time.
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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 2 years, 10 months ago
    This may be just a bit off topic, but I wanted to share it.

    As of this writing, my company is putting together a plan to get the vast majority of us back in the office w/in the next couple of months. One thing they kicked around was saying “you must return to your desk” and “we’re strongly considering making it a requirement that anyone who sets foot on any of [my company]’s properties must show proof of vaccination”. But when asked directly “Since we must return to our desks and we have to get vaccinated to set foot on company property, you’re telling us that you’re considering making the vaccine mandatory as a condition of our employment?”, they hem-hawed around and wouldn’t provide a straight answer.

    But they finally backed down when they looked at their turnover in the past 18 months. Like a lot of other companies, they offered some incentive bonuses for those employees who had to be on site to do their jobs. If you work on a production floor, you have to be at the plant to do your job; if you’re a computer programmer (I reject the term “engineer”; I don’t run a train, I write and maintain computer programs) you can work remotely. But even with their incentives, their turnover rate on the production floor has caused us to be financially penalized numerous times due to production work being behind schedule.

    So, at least for now, they’ve decided not to make the vaccine mandatory; they’ve said that if those of us who have not been vaccinated want to continue flipping the bird at society, then we have some requirements. Among them: we have to wear a mask anytime we’re on company property, and we will be required to have some kind of sticker on our ID badges (badges? we don’t need no stinking badges...) that identifies us as a member of the great unwashed.

    So I’m going to take it a bit farther; I’m going to add a second sticker to my ID badge, and the message will change periodically. I might have a big scarlet “A”, or it might say “leper”, or “great unwashed”, or “Trump 2024”, or “criminal”, whatever snarky idea hits me at the time. (I’d love other ideas; I plan to have some fun with this and see how many feathers I can ruffle.)

    I wonder how long it’ll take HR to warn me off, and what message in particular offended some fragile little snowflake.
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    • Posted by $ pixelate 2 years, 10 months ago
      Thanks for taking the time to share your personal perspectives. I was also a CS (Comp Sci) Programmer for 30 years in career ... as for me, I like the word Engineer and use it as One Word to define myself -- in terms of software engineering, that includes: requirements gathering, writing specifications, design (including write it in-shop + augmenting with COTS elements), prototyping, programming, documentation, delivery, iterations .. Of course there are lots of folks that hear the word Engineer and think about the mechanics of running a train, so I think that I see where you are coming from. Good on you with implementing the Bonus Sticker concept -- I do like the idea that you plan to have fun with it. When the Masking / Muzzle requirements kicked off March of last year, I wore an Over-the-top 3M organic-gas respirator around. It got a few raised eyebrows, plus smiles (from what I could tell) with slaps on my back. So, you can also don a crazy-over-the-top-mask and after it ruffles some feathers, switch gears to something that you can actually breathe through and which comports to the compliance mandates. All the best on knocking out your last 11 months.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 10 months ago
      5* Thats an excellent example for all Americans. Free speech, snowflakes be damned.
      If they can cry about some emotional fearbased bs why can’t we claim a religious faith in reason, logic, and the choice of breathing ( MASK) for our own self-interest. My body my responsibility. People can stay away or not free choice.
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    • Posted by $ 2 years, 10 months ago
      How about emailing this article?
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      • Posted by $ rainman0720 2 years, 10 months ago
        I'd love to present facts to management, but I swear that in order to advance up our corporate ladder one had to major in "one size fits all" in college; my career is 45 years old and I've NEVER seen management so hell bent to implement one--and only one--solution to every damned problem or situation. So I'd never email it from any ID that could be traced back to me; I've got no doubt that my retirement would start 11 months earlier than I'm planning. And if I had an anonymous emailing service that I was certain could not be traced back to me, I'd be willing to bet my [insert body part here] that nobody would ever read it.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 2 years, 10 months ago
    Very well done Carl. I suidied biology in college, and knew something smelled from the first week. First the mask, then the gain of function virus, the the vaccine, which was not based on the current virus. Then I learned about the self-replicating spike proteins, and the injection of graphene oxide. Made sense when I found Bill Gates called the vaccine an operating system. While few weighed that they had only a 1% hance of dying from the virus, they called the vaccine salvation. More like Gates' blue screen of death, and his name and DAPRA (military mind control, apperar on patent. Later I read of autopsies which showed the virus was in every organ, and when another variant hit, what was left of natl. immunity killed both it and its host! The graphene sets up magnetism in the brain, so military can play with u or turn us off, blue screen of death! That is besides the coming Prion disease in months, for any who survive that long. These folks think a mask will help them, they are so far off!Vaxed are 8 times more likely to get variant than unvaxed. 4 of every 5 pregnant women miscarries. You nailed it, we are all different, but this vaccine aims to make u all equally susceptible, we will be lik an advanced AIDS patient with no natural immunity, as the vaccine hinders the rebuilding of natural immunity.Hundred of million across globe will die, if Gates and his band are not stopped.As CDC predicted, "Impending doom!"
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    • Posted by $ BobCat 2 years, 10 months ago
      Great that you are putting all the little tid bits together into one big package which is the disaster for mankind.
      Based upon the massive vax push by the lefties, I get the dark feeling that this whole pandemic thingie is way behind schedule. One has to ask, “What is the big rush”?
      I enjoy being the monkey wrench in gears of the machinery. Sorta like stopping the machine of the World ...
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      • Posted by $ Stormi 2 years, 10 months ago
        More and more comes out. Today CDC said they never saw the virus, that the test swabs were based on old cold virus which has a covid in it for several years, but not COVID19! It is coming out this magnetic brain control has been in the works for 15 years or more. Then a 2014 document from a world agency, shows a planned drop in US population to 99 million people alive! Strangely, the population of some countreis is allowed to grow, and some are reduced like the US.We are being manipulated for sure. Oh, and graphene poisoning has same symptoms as Covid19! Time to impeach and incarcerate some folks.
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        • Posted by $ BobCat 2 years, 10 months ago
          Eradication is the end game, I am sure. Too many lemmings and followers to impeach/incarcerate at the current time. Plus the media will not report the true goings on. By the time the jig is up, and people start to see for themselves, martial law will be the rule of the land.
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    • Posted by $ 2 years, 10 months ago
      Good...I'm not the only one that saw this. The vax has made the body a virus manufacturing it makes sense that you are the one that gets infected first...then you pass it on...
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      • Posted by $ Stormi 2 years, 10 months ago
        Right. But, if you get the variant, and you have any immune sys. left, like the autopsies in England, your immune system's reaction likely will kill you, As it attacks every virus filled organ plus the new variant. Just as the cat study, cats were injected, just fine to start, but as soon as a new variant was introduced, all the cats died.
        Their goal, beside killing hundreds of millions, is to have the survivors have no natural immune system at all, that way they can wipe out whole countries or groups with one vaccine, no differences between peoples immune response, it is zero! Horrible leaders we have.
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  • Posted by term2 2 years, 10 months ago
    hopefully I dont get any of those things.I had not gotten covid19 and hope I dont get that either. Masks arent going to do a damn thing. I hate the whole mask thing and I will probably just modify my habits to stay away from places where I have to wear them.
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    • Posted by $ 2 years, 10 months ago
      We hope you don't either, Term.

      Ct is lying up a storm or just following what they are told but at this point have not decided to punish everyone with masks again,
      On the street, however, many are saying that they will just ignore any mandates...we'll see how that goes.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 2 years, 10 months ago
    The problem is this - there are three groups of people:
    Group A: those have been gravely ill and the medical community caring for them
    Group B: those unaffected or are asymptomatic who look at the data
    Group C: the political community.
    Group A is very passionate about the disease and projects that everyone is going to get it and either die or be seriously ill
    Group B: tends to look at the data and respond "I will take my chances."
    Group C: pretends to care about their constituents but actually are in it for the power grab and control. "Big brother." And big Pharma profits big time.

    Perhaps[s in time enough pissed off Group B will prevail as the truth slowly emerges. Denial is not a river in Egypt and there needs to be a reality check for Groups A & C..
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  • Posted by $ 2 years, 10 months ago
    I have one complaint.
    The whole article: "It is mathematically impossible for covid vaccines to achieve anything useful for the population" Had NO MATH IN IT?
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    • Posted by mhubb 2 years, 10 months ago
      the logic used to push these fraud vaccines is similar to the false logic used to push flu shots

      100 people got the flu shot
      no one got the flu
      so it is effective
      that is false logic as it does not take into account exposure, past history of the people, ect

      but it works for those pushing shots that are not needed or wanted
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