Mark Cuban’s Hatred For America?, well if so, it Just Came Back To Bite Him In The A**!

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 3 years, 4 months ago to Culture
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"Syndicated Via National File| FRANK SALVATO| The Dallas Mavericks owner is slapped down by the NBA commissioner
After saying that his organization would not play he National Anthem before home games, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban was forced to eat his words when NBA Commissioner Adam Silver reiterated the NBA’s policy that the national song is mandatory at the open of each contest."

"Backpedaling, Cuban told ESPN he had no issue with his organization playing the anthem “at all.” He said the decision not to do so was the result of conversations with members of the community who felt the tradition “did not fully represent them.”

Once explained but not known if the reason was backpedaling or not, seemed drastic but understandable that the "Community" felt it didn't represent them due to the fact that they are no longer allowed to physically go to the games anymore.

Yes, we are no longer a "Free" Country but the Anthem was not only an intent but a continued hope and reminder of what our country stands for.

Do you agree or not? Was Mark backpedaling on his decision or was it genuine.

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  • Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 4 months ago
    This makes me wonder, was the refusal to play it a strike against the Buy-dem fake presidency, or against American tradition?
    I have no respect for Mark Cuban myself, but I'd like to know the truth.
    If the NBA didn't like it, it's probably a good thing. The NBA management have been morons for some time.
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  • Posted by $ 3 years, 4 months ago
    I always liked Mark and he is a value creator but it boggles the mind why he is not informed about what is happening in this could he be so blind?
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    • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 4 months ago
      I think Cuban is an ass always have. He spits on the American way when it gave him unbelievable opportunities and success. This might be the first time we have not been Quantumly entangled ...lmao.
      Well Cuban bankrolled pro Vaxer liberal Seth McFarland. Seth wrote American Dad. A show all about a cia family with every kooky conspiracy theory highlighted in the “family”.
      Stan Smith is a CIA agent painfully dedicated to homeland security. His home life includes doting wife Francine, a ditzy housewife, liberal daughter Hayley and socially awkward teenaged son Steve. Also living in the family's Langley Falls, Va., home are Klaus, a goldfish with the brain of an East German Olympic ski jumper, and Roger, an escaped alien from Area 51, who Stan houses in defiance of his employer due to owing Roger a `life debt'. Sounds just like the typical American family, right?

      eth MacFarlane
      Feb 12
      Folks like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. fail to grasp that vaccines are victims of their own success. Diseases like measles, mumps, polio, etc. have been successfully quelled by vaccination, to the point that anti-vaxxers paradoxically think they can ignore them.
      Seth MacFarlane
      Feb 12
      “Tell your glad-handing state and municipal leaders, with their finger-in-the-breeze priorities and vaccine websites that freeze, to take a crash course in organizational competence from the NFL. The NFL’s pandemic response was a striking success.”
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      • Posted by $ 3 years, 4 months ago
        Definitely an odd guy...never really found the need to investigate him...I, as you know, have been after bigger targets and much bigger Pictures...Mark is probably in the gutter of the bigger picture of things.
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