ALERT: Man Trump Hired To Lower Drug Prices FOUND DEAD

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 3 years, 4 months ago to News
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ICYMI: Opinion| has reported that Daniel Best, a former pharmaceutical executive hired by President Trump’s Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar and charged with finding ways to lower prescription drug prices, has killed himself.

Best joined HHS in March. Two months ago, Best delivered a speech outlining ways to lower costs, make it easier for generics and biosimilar drugs to enter the market, and rethinking drug rebate programs that serve to drive up prices.

On Thursday, Washington D.C.’s Office of the Chief Medical Examiner said Best died from “multiple blunt force injuries” and ruled his death a suicide. No further information was released.

Call me overly suspicious but the circumstances surrounding Best’s death, and the coroner’s official cause raise red flags for this intrepid reporter. Especially when looking for a motive for his “suicide.”

Maybe I’m channeling Danny Reagan, but the cause of death just isn’t consistent with suicide. People just don’t beat themselves to death.

Then there’s the fact Best probably would’ve poisoned himself using his vast knowledge of, and ready access to, lethal drugs.

ust a week before his death President Trump had announced a new Medicare drug pricing initiative based on the cheaper prices charged for the drugs in other countries. The president had pointed to the fact that drugs in the United States frequently cost many times more than they do abroad:

“At long last, the drug companies and foreign countries will be held accountable for how they rigged the system against American consumers.”

It sounds like Best had already submitted his plan, or part of it, for consideration.

Then there’s the possible motive for wanting Best out of the way and at the same time to send a message to any future challengers to the profits of multinational corporations.

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  • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 4 months ago
    When a person dies from 'multiple blunt force injuries" and he wasn't in a car wreck or he did not fall down a bumpy slope, then some person or persons beat that corpus delicti to death.
    Duh! Me dino shoulda studied for such a profession. Morticians make good money whether they are ever elected to be a coroner or not.
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  • Posted by $ 3 years, 4 months ago
    According to HHS Secretary Azar, Daniel Best “brought his deep expertise and passion to this task with great humility and collegiality… out of a desire to serve the American people by making health care more affordable.”

    You do the math.
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